Source code for madcad.boolean

# This file is part of pymadcad,  distributed under license LGPL v3

	This modules provide boolean operations for all kind of meshes.
	Strictly speaking, boolean operations are operations on mathematically defined sets. In a n-dimensinal space it applies to subsets of point of the same dimension (volumes in 3D, surfaces in 2D).
	Here, volumes are defined by their exterior envelope (a Mesh) and surfaces by their contour (Web). So the boolean operation consist of intersecting the envelopes and contours and decide which cutted parts to keep.
	.. image:: /schemes/boolean-principle.svg

	This relies on a new intersection algorithm named syandana. It finds candidates for intersections using a spacial hashing of triangles over a voxel (see madcad.hashing). This is solving the problem of putting triangles in an octree.
	Also to avoid the increasing complexity of the operation with flat planes divided in multiple parallel triangles, the algorithm is implemented with a detection of ngons.
	The syandana algorithm achieves intersections of meshes in nearly `O(n)` where usual methods are `O(n**2)`
	After intersection, the selection of surface sides to keep or not is done through a propagation.

		Web boolean operations theoretically means something only in a 2d space, and it takes place in a 3d space here, causing many situations where a web portion can be both inside and outside the contour. The algorithm here works even with meshes that are not planar at all. but it always assumes that the web you give it can be processed consistently as if it was.
		Mesh boolean operation is relying on the surface outer normal to decide what is exterior and interior. It's always a local decision (ie. a decision made at the intersection), So the meshes must be well oriented.
		Web boolean operations on the other hand CANNOT be local due to the 3d space it's laying in. (a higher dimension than the surface it's theoreticall meant to outline). So it may sometimes not behave the way you expect it.
		To solve ambiguities of interior and exterior, the most outer part of first mesh argument is always considered to belong to the exterior. And the information is propagated through the web.

from copy import copy, deepcopy
from operator import itemgetter
from functools import singledispatch
from time import time
from math import inf
from .mathutils import *
from . import core
from .mesh import Mesh, Web, Wire, web, edgekey, connef, connpe, line_simplification
from . import hashing
from . import triangulation

__all__ = ['pierce', 'boolean', 'intersection', 'union', 'difference']

# ------- implementated operators -------

[docs]def cut_mesh(m1, m2, prec=None) -> '(Mesh, Web)': ''' Cut m1 faces at their intersections with m2. Return: `(cutted, frontier)` :cutted(Mesh): is `m1` with the faces cutted, but representing the same surface as before :frontier(Web): is a Web where edges are the intersection edges, and whose groups are the causing faces in `m2` Returning the intersection edges in m1 and associated m2 faces. The algorithm is using ngon intersections and retriangulation, in order to avoid infinite loops and intermediate triangles. ''' if not prec: prec = m1.precision() frontier = Web(m1.points, groups=m2.faces) # cut points for each face from m2 # topology informations for optimization points = hashing.PointSet(prec, manage=m1.points) prox2 = hashing.PositionMap(max(hashing.meshcellsize(m2), hashing.meshcellsize(m1))) for f2 in range(len(m2.faces)): prox2.add(m2.facepoints(f2), f2) conn = connef(m1.faces) mn = Mesh(m1.points, groups=m1.groups) # resulting mesh grp = [-1]*len(m1.faces) # flat region id currentgrp = -1 for i in range(len(m1.faces)): # process the flat surface starting here, if the m1's triangle hits m2 if grp[i] == -1 and m1.facepoints(i) in prox2: # a triangle cutted by an other will split it into 5 triangles, and each will be divided in 5 more if the cutting is stupidly incrmental # here we collect all the planar triangles and cut it as one n-gon to reduce the complexity # get the flat region - aka the n-gon to be processed currentgrp += 1 surf = [] front = [i] normal = m1.facenormal(i) if not isfinite(normal): continue track = m1.tracks[i] while front: fi = front.pop() if grp[fi] == -1 and m1.tracks[fi] == track and distance2(m1.facenormal(fi), normal) <= NUMPREC: surf.append(fi) grp[fi] = currentgrp f = m1.faces[fi] for edge in ((f[1],f[0]), (f[2],f[1]), (f[0],f[2])): if edge in conn: front.append(conn[edge]) # get region ORIENTED outlines - aka the outline of the n-gon outline = set() for f1 in surf: f = m1.faces[f1] for edge in ((f[1],f[0]), (f[2],f[1]), (f[0],f[2])): if edge in outline: outline.remove(edge) else: outline.add((edge[1], edge[0])) original = set(outline) # process all ngon triangles # enrich outlines with intersections segts = {} for f1 in surf: f = m1.faces[f1] for f2 in set( prox2.get(m1.facepoints(f1)) ): intersect = core.intersect_triangles(m1.facepoints(f1), m2.facepoints(f2), 8*prec) if intersect: ia, ib = intersect[0][2], intersect[1][2] if distance2(ia, ib) <= prec**2: continue # insert intersection points seg = (points.add(ia), points.add(ib)) # associate the intersection edge with the m2's face if seg in segts: continue segts[seg] = f2 # cut the outline if needed for i in range(2): ii = intersect[i] if ii[0] != 0: continue o = f[ii[1]], f[ii[1]-2] if o not in original: continue # find the place where the outline is cutted p = m1.points[seg[i]] e = min(outline, key=lambda e: distance_pe(p, (m1.points[e[0]], m1.points[e[1]]))) # this perfect minimul should not be needed as the first below the precision should be unique, but for precision robustness ... if seg[i] not in e: #print(' cross', i, e) outline.remove(e) outline.add((e[0],seg[i])) outline.add((seg[i],e[1])) # simplify the intersection lines segts = Web(m1.points, segts.keys(), segts.values(), frontier.groups) segts.mergepoints(line_simplification(segts, prec)) frontier += segts # retriangulate the cutted surface segts.edges.extend(uvec2(b,a) for a,b in segts.edges[:]) segts.edges.extend(outline) flat = triangulation.triangulation_closest(segts, normal, prec) # append the triangulated face, in association with the original track flat.tracks = typedlist.full(track, len(flat.faces), 'I') flat.groups = m1.groups mn += flat # append non-intersected faces for f,t,grp in zip(m1.faces, m1.tracks, grp): if grp == -1: mn.faces.append(f) mn.tracks.append(t) return mn, frontier
def pierce_mesh(m1, m2, side=False, prec=None, strict=False) -> Mesh: if not prec: prec = m1.precision() m1, frontier = cut_mesh(m1, m2, prec) conn1 = connef(m1.faces) # connectivity for propagation stops = set(edgekey(*e) for e in frontier.edges) # propagation stop points used = [0] * len(m1.faces) # whether to keep the matching faces front = [] # get front and mark frontier faces as used for e,f2 in zip(frontier.edges, frontier.tracks): for edge in ((e[0],e[1]), (e[1],e[0])): if edge in conn1: fi = conn1[edge] f = m1.faces[fi] # find from which side to propagate for i in range(3): if f[i] not in edge: proj = dot(m1.points[f[i]] - m1.points[f[i-1]], m2.facenormal(f2)) * (-1 if side else 1) if proj > prec: used[fi] = 1 front.append((f[i], f[i-1])) front.append((f[i-2], f[i])) elif proj < -prec: used[fi] = -1 front.append((f[i], f[i-1])) front.append((f[i-2], f[i])) break if not front: if side: m1.faces = typedlist(dtype=uvec3) m1.tracks = typedlist(dtype='I') return m1 ## display frontier #if debug_propagation: #from . import text #for edge in stops: #p = (m1.points[edge[0]] + m1.points[edge[1]]) /2 #scn3D.append(text.Text(p, str(edge), 9, (1, 1, 0))) #from .mesh import Web #w = Web([1.01*p for p in m1.points], frontier.edges) #w.options['color'] = (1,0.9,0.2) #scn3D.append(w) #scn3D.append([text.Text(p, str(i)) for i,p in enumerate(m1.points)]) # propagation front = [e for e in front if edgekey(*e) not in stops] while front: newfront = [] for edge in front: if edge in conn1: source = conn1.get((edge[1], edge[0]), 0) #assert used[source] fi = conn1[edge] if not used[fi] or (used[source]*used[fi] < 0 and abs(used[fi]) > abs(used[source])): assert not (strict and used[fi]), "the pierced surface is both side of the piercing surface" used[fi] = used[source] + (1 if used[source]>0 else -1) f = m1.faces[fi] for i in range(3): if edgekey(f[i-1],f[i]) not in stops: newfront.append((f[i],f[i-1])) front = newfront ## selection of faces #if debug_propagation: #from . import text #for i,u in enumerate(used): #if u: #p = m1.facepoints(i) #scn3D.append(text.Text((p[0]+p[1]+p[2])/3, str(u), 9, (1,0,1), align=('center', 'center'))) # filter mesh content to keep return Mesh( m1.points, (f for u,f in zip(used, m1.faces) if u > 0), (t for u,t in zip(used, m1.tracks) if u > 0), m1.groups, ) #debug_propagation = True #scn3D = [] def boolean_mesh(m1, m2, sides=(False,True), prec=None) -> Mesh: if not prec: prec = max(m1.precision(), m2.precision()) mc1 = pierce_mesh(m1, m2, sides[0], prec) mc2 = pierce_mesh(m2, m1, sides[1], prec) if sides[0] and not sides[1]: mc1 = mc1.flip() if not sides[0] and sides[1]: mc2 = mc2.flip() res = mc1 + mc2 res.mergeclose() return res
[docs]def cut_web(w1: Web, ref: Web, prec=None) -> '(Web, Wire)': ''' Cut the web edges at their intersectsions with the `ref` web Return: `(cutted, frontier)` :cutted(Web): is `w1` with the edges cutted, but representing the same lines as before :frontier(Wire): is a Web where edges are the intersection edges, and whose groups are the causing faces in `ref` ''' if not prec: prec = w1.precision() frontier = Wire(w1.points, [], [], groups=ref.edges) # topology informations for optimization points = hashing.PointSet(prec, manage=w1.points) prox = hashing.PositionMap(hashing.meshcellsize(ref)) for e in range(len(ref.edges)): prox.add(ref.edgepoints(e), e) conn = connpe(w1.edges) mn = Web(w1.points, groups=w1.groups) # resulting web for e1 in range(len(w1.edges)): processed = False # flag enabled when the edge is reconstructed # collect edges in ref that can have intersection with e1 close = set( prox.get(w1.edgepoints(e1)) ) if close: # no need to get the straight zone around because on the case of an edge, it will not grow in complexity more than the number of cut segments # and an edge is easy to reweb after multiple intersections # compute intersections segts = {} for e2 in close: intersect = intersect_edges(w1.edgepoints(e1), ref.edgepoints(e2), prec) if intersect: seg = points.add(intersect) segts.setdefault(seg, e2) # reconstruct the geometries if segts: e = w1.edges[e1] # reweb the cutted edge direction = w1.points[e[1]] - w1.points[e[0]] sorted_segts = sorted(segts.items(), key=lambda s: dot(w1.points[s[0]], direction)) # append the rewebed edge in association with the original track frontier += Wire( w1.points, map(itemgetter(0), sorted_segts), map(itemgetter(1), sorted_segts), ref.edges, ) suite = list(map(itemgetter(0), sorted_segts)) if suite[0] != e[0]: suite.insert(0, e[0]) if suite[-1] != e[-1]: suite.append(e[-1]) mn += web(Wire( w1.points, suite, [w1.tracks[e1]] * len(suite), w1.groups, )) processed = True # keep the non intersected faces as is if not processed: mn.edges.append(w1.edges[e1]) mn.tracks.append(w1.tracks[e1]) mn.check() return mn, frontier
from .nprint import nprint def pierce_web(web, ref, side=False, prec=None) -> Web: if not prec: prec = web.precision() web, frontier = cut_web(web, ref, prec) conn = connpe(web.edges) # connectivity stops = set(frontier.indices) # propagation stop points used = [0] * len(web.edges) # whether to keep the matching edges or not # sort points by distance to a "center" center = web.barycenter() order = sorted(range(len(web.points)), key=lambda i: distance2(web.points[i], center)) # always start an island from the most exterior for start in order: if start in stops: continue ei = next(conn[start], None) if not ei or used[ei]: continue # propagate front = [(start, not side)] # points on the propagation front while front: last, keep = front.pop() for ei in conn[last]: if used[ei]: continue used[ei] = 1 if keep else 2 direction = int(web.edges[ei][0] == last) current = web.edges[ei][direction] front.append((current, keep ^ (current in stops))) # filter web content to keep return Web( web.points, [e for u,e in zip(used, web.edges) if u == 1], [t for u,t in zip(used, web.tracks) if u == 1], web.groups, ) def boolean_web(w1, w2, sides, prec=None) -> Web: if not prec: prec = max(w1.precision(), w2.precision()) mc1 = pierce_web(w1, w2, sides[0], prec) w2, frontier = cut_web(w2, mc1, prec) conn2 = connpe(w2.edges) # connectivity stops = set(frontier.indices) # propagation stop points used = [False] * len(w2.edges) # whether to keep the matching edges or not for p2, ei in zip(frontier.indices, frontier.tracks): front = [] # points on the propagation front # check which side to keep to respect the choices made in the first web e1 = mc1.edges[ei] direction = sides[0] ^ sides[1] ^ (distance2(w2.points[p2], mc1.points[e1[0]]) < distance2(w2.points[p2], mc1.points[e1[1]])) for ei in conn2[p2]: if w2.edges[ei][direction] == p2: front.append(w2.edges[ei][direction-1]) used[ei] = True # propagate while front: last = front.pop() if last in stops: continue for ei in conn2[last]: if used[ei]: continue used[ei] = True direction = int(w2.edges[ei][0] == last) next = w2.edges[ei][direction] front.append(next) # filter web content to keep mc2 = Web( w2.points, [e for u,e in zip(used, w2.edges) if u], [t for u,t in zip(used, w2.tracks) if u], w2.groups, ) if sides[0] and not sides[1]: mc1 = mc1.flip() if not sides[0] and sides[1]: mc2 = mc2.flip() res = mc1 + mc2 res.mergeclose() return res def intersect_edges(e1: '(vec3,vec3)', e2: '(vec3,vec3)', prec) -> vec3: ''' Intersection between 2 segments ''' d1 = e1[1]-e1[0] d2 = e2[1]-e2[0] g = e1[0]-e2[0] p = e2[0] + unproject(noproject(g, d1), d2) if not isfinite(p): return #prec = NUMPREC * max(length2(d1), length2(d2)) if dot(e1[0]-p, d1) > prec or dot(p-e1[1], d1) > prec: return if dot(e2[0]-p, d2) > prec or dot(p-e2[1], d2) > prec: return return p
[docs]def cut_web_mesh(w1: Web, ref: Mesh, prec=None) -> '(Web, Wire)': ''' Cut the web inplace at its intersections with the `ref` web. Return: `(cutted, frontier)` ''' if not prec: prec = w1.precision() frontier = Wire(w1.points, [], [], groups=ref.faces) # topology informations for optimization points = hashing.PointSet(prec, manage=w1.points) prox = hashing.PositionMap(hashing.meshcellsize(ref)) for f in range(len(ref.faces)): prox.add(ref.facepoints(f), f) conn = connpe(w1.edges) mn = Web(w1.points, groups=w1.groups) # resulting web for e1 in range(len(w1.edges)): processed = False # flag enabled when the edge is reconstructed # collect edges in ref that can have intersection with e1 close = set(prox.get(w1.edgepoints(e1))) if close: # no need to get the straight zone around because on the case of an edge, it will not grow in complexity more than the number of cut segments # and an edge is easy to remesh after multiple intersections # compute intersections segts = {} for f2 in close: intersect = intersect_edge_face(w1.edgepoints(e1), ref.facepoints(f2), prec) if intersect: seg = points.add(intersect) segts.setdefault(seg, f2) # reconstruct the geometries if segts: e = w1.edges[e1] # reweb the cutted edge direction = w1.points[e[1]] - w1.points[e[0]] sorted_segts = sorted(segts.items(), key=lambda s: dot(w1.points[s[0]], direction)) # append the rewebed edge in association with the original track frontier += Wire( w1.points, list(map(itemgetter(0), sorted_segts)), list(map(itemgetter(1), sorted_segts)), ref.faces, ) mn += web(Wire( w1.points, [e[0]] + list(map(itemgetter(0), sorted_segts)) + [e[1]], [w1.tracks[e1]] * (len(sorted_segts)+2), w1.groups, )) processed = True # keep the non intersected faces as is if not processed: mn.edges.append(w1.edges[e1]) mn.tracks.append(w1.tracks[e1]) return mn, frontier
def pierce_web_mesh(w1: Web, ref: Mesh, side=False, prec=None) -> Web: if not prec: prec = w1.precision() w1, frontier = cut_web_mesh(w1, ref, prec) conn = connpe(w1.edges) # connectivity stops = set(frontier.indices) # propagation stop points used = [False] * len(w1.edges) # whether to keep the matching edges for p1, fi in zip(frontier.indices, frontier.tracks): front = [] # points on the propagation front # check which side to keep normal = ref.facenormal(fi) for ei in conn[p1]: e1 = w1.edges[ei] direction = int(e1[0] == p1) if side ^ (dot(w1.points[e1[direction]] - w1.points[p1], normal) > 0): front.append(e1[direction]) used[ei] = True # propagate while front: last = front.pop() if last in stops: continue for ei in conn[last]: if used[ei]: continue used[ei] = True direction = int(w1.edges[ei][0] == last) next = w1.edges[ei][direction] front.append(next) # filter web content to keep return Web( w1.points, [e for u,e in zip(used, w1.edges) if u], [t for u,t in zip(used, w1.tracks) if u], w1.groups, ) def intersect_edge_face(edge: '(vec3, vec3)', face: '(vec3, vec3, vec3)', prec) -> vec3: ''' Intersection between a segment and a triangle In case of intersection with an edge of the triangle or an extremity of the edge, return the formed point. ''' n = cross(face[1]-face[0], face[2]-face[0]) a, b = edge da = dot(face[0]-a, n) db = dot(face[0]-b, n) if abs(da) <= prec: p = a elif abs(db) <= prec: p = b elif da * db > 0: return None # the segment doesn't reach the plane else: edgedir = b-a proj = dot(edgedir, n) if abs(proj) <= prec: return None # the segment is parallel to the plane p = a + da * edgedir / proj # check that the point is inside the triangle for i in range(3): if dot(face[i] - p, normalize(cross(n,face[i]-face[i-1]))) > prec: return None # the point is outside the triangle return p # --------------- stable API ------------------- pierce_ops = { (Mesh,Mesh): pierce_mesh, (Web,Web): pierce_web, (Web,Mesh): pierce_web_mesh, }
[docs]def pierce(m, ref, side=False, prec=None): ''' Cut a web/mesh and remove its parts considered inside the `ref` shape Overloads: .. code:: pierce(Mesh, Mesh) -> Mesh pierce(Web, Web) -> Web pierce(Web, Mesh) -> Web `side` decides which part of each mesh to keep - False keeps the exterior part (part exclusive to the other mesh) - True keeps the interior part (the common part) ''' op = pierce_ops.get((type(m), type(ref))) if not op: raise TypeError('pierce is not possible between {} and {}'.format(type(m).__name__, type(ref).__name__)) return op(m, ref, side, prec)
boolean_ops = { (Mesh,Mesh): boolean_mesh, (Web,Web): boolean_web, }
[docs]def boolean(a, b, sides=(False,True), prec=None): ''' Cut two web/mesh and keep its interior or exterior parts Overloads: .. code:: boolean(Mesh, Mesh) -> Mesh boolean(Web, Web) -> Web `sides` decides which part of each mesh to keep - False keeps the exterior part (part exclusive to the other mesh) - True keeps the common part ''' op = boolean_ops.get((type(a), type(b))) if not op: raise TypeError('boolean is not possible between {} and {}'.format(type(a), type(b))) return op(a, b, sides, prec)
[docs]def union(a, b) -> Mesh: ''' Return a mesh for the union of the volumes. It is a boolean with selector `(False,False)` ''' return boolean(a,b, (False,False))
[docs]def intersection(a, b) -> Mesh: ''' Return a mesh for the common volume. It is a boolean with selector `(True, True)` ''' return boolean(a,b, (True,True))
[docs]def difference(a, b) -> Mesh: ''' Return a mesh for the volume of `a` less the common volume with `b` It is a boolean with selector `(False, True)` ''' return boolean(a,b, (False,True))