Source code for madcad.cut

# This file is part of pymadcad,  distributed under license LGPL v3
''' This module provides the chamfer and bevel functions, and the associated tools.

	`multicut`, `chamfer`, and `bevel` are built in the same cutting algorithm. It cuts the mesh faces by propagation from the given edges. The cutting planes are determined by an offset vector from the original primitive (point or edge). 
	Most of the time you don't need to set the offset yourself. It can be automatically calculated by several methods, depending on the shape you want to get. Those methods are called `cutters` and are executed using `planeoffsets`_.

from .mathutils import *
from .mesh import *
from . import generation as gt
from . import hashing
from . import text
from . import settings
from .triangulation import triangulation_outline
from .blending import blenditer, match_length

from numbers import Number
from functools import singledispatch

__all__ = [	'chamfer', 'bevel', 'multicut',
			'mesh_cut', 'web_cut', 'planeoffsets',
			'tangentend', 'tangentcorner', 'tangentjunction',
			'cutter_width', 'cutter_distance', 'cutter_depth', 'cutter_radius',
# ---- common cut methods ----

[docs]@singledispatch def multicut(mesh, indices, cutter): ''' Cut a Mesh/Web/Wire around the given edges/points, using the given cutter ''' raise TypeError('wrong argument type: {}'.format(type(mesh)))
[docs]@singledispatch def chamfer(mesh, indices, cutter): ''' Chamfer a Mesh/Web/Wire around the given edges/points, using the given cutter ''' raise TypeError('wrong argument type: {}'.format(type(mesh)))
[docs]@singledispatch def bevel(mesh, indices, cutter): ''' Bevel a Mesh/Web/Wire around the given edges/points, using the given cutter ''' raise TypeError('wrong argument type: {}'.format(type(mesh)))
# ---- cut methods -----
[docs]def cutter_width(width, fn1, fn2): ''' Plane offset for a cut based on the width of the bevel ''' n = normalize(fn1+fn2) s = dot(fn1,n) return -width/2 * sqrt(1/s**2 - 1) * n
[docs]def cutter_distance(depth, fn1, fn2): """Plane offset for a cut based on the distance along the side faces""" n = normalize(fn1 +fn2) cos_b = dot(fn1, n) cos_a = sqrt(1-cos_b**2) return -depth * n * cos_a
[docs]def cutter_depth(dist, fn1, fn2): ''' Plane offset for a cut based on the distance to the cutted edge ''' return -dist * cross(normalize(cross(fn1,fn2)), fn1-fn2)
[docs]def cutter_radius(depth, fn1, fn2): ''' Plane offset for a cut based on the angle between faces ''' n = normalize(fn1 + fn2) s = dot(fn1,n) return -depth * (1/s - s) * n
# ----- mesh operations ------
[docs]def planeoffsets(mesh, edges, cutter): ''' Compute the offsets for cutting planes using the given method cutter is a tuple or a function - function(fn1,fn2) -> offset fn1, fn2 are the adjacents face normals offset is the distance from segment to plane times the normal to the plane - ('method', distance) the method is the string name of the method (a function named 'cutter_'+method existing in this module) distance depends on the method and is the numeric parameter of the method ''' if isinstance(cutter, dict): return cutter else: cutter = interpretcutter(cutter) # get adjacent faces' normals to lines offsets = {e: [None,None] for e in edges} for f in mesh.faces: for e in ((f[0],f[1]), (f[1],f[2]), (f[2],f[0])): if e in offsets: offsets[e][0] = mesh.facenormal(f) elif (e[1],e[0]) in offsets: offsets[(e[1],e[0])][1] = mesh.facenormal(f) # compute offsets (displacement on depth) for e, adjacents in offsets.items(): offset = cutter(*adjacents) if dot(cross(*adjacents), mesh.points[e[0]]-mesh.points[e[1]]) > 0: offset = -offset offsets[e] = offset return offsets
def interpretcutter(cutter): if isinstance(cutter, tuple): func = globals()['cutter_'+cutter[0]] arg = cutter[1] return lambda fn1,fn2: func(arg, fn1, fn2) elif callable(cutter): return cutter else: raise TypeError("cutter must be a callable or a tuple (name, param)")
[docs]def mesh_cut(mesh, start, cutplane, stops, conn, prec, removal, cutghost=True): ''' Propagation cut for an edge :start: the edge or point to start propagation from :cutplane: the plane cutting the faces. Its normal must be oriented toward the propagation area. :stops: the planes stopping the propagation. Their normal must be oriented toward the propagation area. :removal: the set in wich the function will put the indices of faces inside :cutghost: whether the function should propagate on faces already marked for removal (previously or during the propagation) ''' pts = mesh.points ptmgr = hashing.PointSet(prec, manage=pts) stops = list(filter(lambda e:e, stops)) # find the intersections axis between the planes axis = [intersection_plane_plane(cutplane, stop) for stop in stops] # prepare propagation if isinstance(start, tuple): front = [start, (start[1],start[0])] elif isinstance(start, Number): front = [e for e in conn if start in e] else: raise TypeError('wrong start: {}, cut can only start from a point or an edge'.format(start)) intersections = set() seen = set() while front: # propagation affairs frontedge = front.pop() if frontedge not in conn: continue fi = conn[frontedge] if fi in seen: continue f = mesh.faces[fi] # do not process empty faces (its a topology singularity), but propagate if faceheight(mesh, fi) <= prec: seen.add(fi) for j in range(3): front.append((f[j],f[j-1])) continue # find the intersection of the triangle with the common axis to the cutplane and the stop plane fpts = mesh.facepoints(fi) p = None for a in axis: # if the intersection is on a triangle's edge, p is None p = intersection_axis_face(a, fpts, prec) if p: break if p: # mark cutplane change # empty faces can be generated, but they are necessary to keep the connectivity working pi = ptmgr.add(p) l = len(mesh.faces) mesh.faces[fi] = (f[0], f[1], pi) mesh.faces.append((f[1], f[2], pi)) mesh.faces.append((f[2], f[0], pi)) mesh.tracks.append(mesh.tracks[fi]) mesh.tracks.append(mesh.tracks[fi]) registerface(mesh, conn, fi) registerface(mesh, conn, l) registerface(mesh, conn, l+1) front.append(frontedge) continue # mark this face as processed seen.add(fi) # point side for propagation # True if the point is over or on the cutplane goodside = [False]*3 for j,pi in enumerate(f): goodside[j] = dot(pts[pi]-cutplane[0], cutplane[1]) >= -prec # abort conditions if not any(goodside): continue outside = any( all( dot(pts[pi]-stop[0], stop[1]) <= -prec for pi in f) for stop in stops) if outside: continue # True if the point is over or on for all stop planes goodx = [False]*3 for j,pi in enumerate(f): goodx[j] = all(dot(pts[pi]-stop[0], stop[1]) >= -prec for stop in stops) # intersections of triangle's edges with the plane cut = [None]*3 for j in range(3): cut[j] = intersection_edge_plane((pts[f[j]], pts[f[j-2]]), cutplane, prec) # don't intersect if the 2 points are at the corner of the triangle for j in range(3): if cut[j-1] and cut[j] and distance(cut[j-1], cut[j]) <= prec: cut[j] = None if all(goodside) and any(goodx): removal.add(fi) if fi not in removal or cutghost: # NOTE: this is a ugly trick to make the current multicut implementation work with the same function for corners and edges # cut the face for j in range(3): if cut[j] and cut[j-1]: # cut only if the intersection segment is in the delimited area if any( dot(cut[j-1]-stop[0], stop[1]) <= prec and dot(cut[j] -stop[0], stop[1]) <= prec for stop in stops): continue # cut the face (create face even for non kept side, necessary for propagation) p1 = ptmgr.add(cut[j]) p2 = ptmgr.add(cut[j-1]) l = len(mesh.faces) mesh.faces[fi] = (p1, f[j-2], f[j-1]) mesh.faces.append((p1, f[j-1], p2)) mesh.faces.append((p1, p2, f[j-0])) mesh.tracks.append(mesh.tracks[fi]) mesh.tracks.append(mesh.tracks[fi]) registerface(mesh, conn, fi) registerface(mesh, conn, l) registerface(mesh, conn, l+1) seen.update((fi, l, l+1)) # mark to remove the faces outside if dot(pts[f[j]]-cutplane[0], cutplane[1]) < 0: removal.add(fi) removal.add(l) intersections.add((p2,p1)) else: removal.add(l+1) removal.discard(fi) intersections.add((p1,p2)) break # propagate for j in range(3): front.append((f[j],f[j-1])) return intersections
def propagate(mesh, edges, conn, prec): front = list(edges) edges = set(edges) seen = set() count = 0 while front: edge = front.pop() if edge not in conn: continue fi = conn[edge] if fi in seen: continue seen.add(fi) count += 1 if faceheight(mesh, fi) <= prec: continue a,b,c = arrangeface(mesh.faces[fi], edge[0]) if c in edge: continue if (b,c) not in edges: front.append((c,b)) if (c,a) not in edges: front.append((a,c)) return seen @multicut.register(Mesh) def mesh_multicut(mesh, edges, cutter, conn=None, prec=None, removal=None): ''' General purpose edge cutting function. cut the given edges and the crossing corners, resolving the interference issues. cutter can either be a argument for planeoffsets or more directly a dict `{edgekey: offset vector}` for each passed edge. edges must be unoriented. ''' # perpare working objects if conn is None: conn = connef(mesh.faces) if prec is None: prec = mesh.precision() if removal is None: removal = set() final = True else: final = False if isinstance(edges, Web): edges = edges.edges edges = [edgekey(*e) for e in edges] offsets = planeoffsets(mesh, edges, cutter) normals = mesh.vertexnormals() juncconn = connpp(edges) pts = mesh.points debmesh = mesh separators = {} # plans separateurs pour chaque arete for i, prox in juncconn.items(): if len(prox) != 2: continue o0 = offsets[edgekey(i,prox[0])] o1 = offsets[edgekey(i,prox[1])] axis = intersection_plane_plane((pts[prox[0]]+o0, o0), (pts[prox[1]]+o1, o1), pts[i]) # fail when the two planes have the same orientation if axis: n = normalize(cross(pts[i]-axis[0], axis[1])) if dot(n, pts[prox[0]]-pts[i]) < 0: n = -n separators[(i,prox[0])] = (axis[0], n) separators[(i,prox[1])] = (axis[0],-n) ## display cut planes in the mesh (debug) #grp = len(debmesh.groups) #debmesh.groups.append(None) #m = len(debmesh.points) #debmesh.points.append(pts[i]) #debmesh.points.append(axis[0]+axis[1]) #debmesh.points.append(axis[0]-axis[1]) #debmesh.faces.append((m,m+1,m+2)) #debmesh.tracks.append(grp) else: separators[(i,prox[0])] = None separators[(i,prox[1])] = None # fix the missing separators in case of straight lines for e,sep in separators.items(): i,j = e while not sep: prox = juncconn[i] if len(prox) != 2: raise Exception('unable to compute all separators') j,i = i, prox[0] if prox[0] != j else prox[1] separators[e] = sep = separators[(i,j)] corners = {} # offset pour chaque coin # pour chaque jonction for junc, prox in juncconn.items(): if len(prox) < 3: continue # calculer le plan de distance max demandé par les aretes adjacentes offset = offsets.get(junc, 0.) # pour chaque arete adjacente (dans chaque sens) for b in prox: for c in prox: a = junc if b == c or b == a or c == a: continue # calculer la distance ab = normalize(pts[b]-pts[a]) ac = normalize(pts[c]-pts[a]) n = cross(ab, ac) nb = cross(n, ab) nc = cross(ac, n) ob = offsets[edgekey(a,b)] oc = offsets[edgekey(a,c)] ib = dot(ob,ob) / dot(ob, nb) ic = dot(oc,oc) / dot(oc, nc) s = dot(nb,ac) if not s: continue abl = (ib*dot(ab,ac) + ic) / s offset = dot(abl*ab + ib*nb, normals[a]) # assignation du plan de coupe corners[junc] = offset*normals[junc] plane = (pts[junc] + corners[junc], -normals[junc]) for p in prox: separators[(junc,p)] = plane outlines = {} # couper les aretes for edge, offset in offsets.items(): outlines[edge] = mesh_cut(mesh, edge, (pts[edge[0]]+offset, -normalize(offset)), (separators.get(edge), separators.get((edge[1], edge[0]))), conn, prec, removal, True) # couper les sommets for corner,offset in corners.items(): outlines[corner] = mesh_cut(mesh, corner, (pts[corner]+offset, -normalize(offset)), (), conn, prec, removal, False) if final: frontier = [] for edges in outlines.values(): frontier.extend(edges) finalize(mesh, outlines, propagate(mesh, frontier, conn, prec), prec) #finalize(mesh, outlines, removal, prec) # NOTE this is faster but also leads to not removing all faces return outlines def finalize(mesh, outlines, removal, prec): ''' Function finalizing the mesh for multicut removing faces and simplifying outlines ''' # simplify cuts merges = {} for e,cuts in outlines.items(): reindex = line_simplification(Web(mesh.points, cuts), prec) lines = [] for a,b in cuts: c,d = reindex.get(a,a), reindex.get(b,b) if c != d: lines.append((c,d)) outlines[e] = lines merges.update(reindex) # apply merges, but keeping the empty faces, to keep the removal list valid for i,f in enumerate(mesh.faces): mesh.faces[i] = ( merges.get(f[0],f[0]), merges.get(f[1],f[1]), merges.get(f[2],f[2]), ) # delete inside faces and empty ones removefaces(mesh, lambda fi: fi in removal or faceheight(mesh,fi) <= prec) def arrangeface(f, p): if p == f[1]: return f[1],f[2],f[0] elif p == f[2]: return f[2],f[0],f[1] else: return f def registerface(mesh, conn, fi): f = mesh.faces[fi] if f[0] == f[1] or f[1] == f[2] or f[2] == f[0]: return for e in ((f[0],f[1]), (f[1],f[2]), (f[2],f[0])): conn[e] = fi def unregisterface(mesh, conn, fi): f = mesh.faces[fi] for e in ((f[0],f[1]), (f[1],f[2]), (f[2],f[0])): if e in conn: del conn[e] def segmentsdict(line): segments = {} for i in range(len(line)-1): segments[(line[i],line[i+1])] = i return segments def intersection_plane_plane(p0, p1, neigh=None): ''' Return the intersection axis between two planes ''' if not neigh: neigh = p0[0] d = cross(p0[1], p1[1]) if length(d) <= NUMPREC: return None return vec3( inverse(transpose(dmat3(p0[1], p1[1], d))) * dvec3(dot(p0[0],p0[1]), dot(p1[0],p1[1]), dot(neigh,d)) ), normalize(d) def intersection_edge_plane(edge, axis, prec): ''' Return the intersection point of an edge with a plane, or None if it doesn't exist In case of an intersection at an extremity of the edge, return that edge point ''' a, b = edge da = dot(axis[0]-a, axis[1]) db = dot(axis[0]-b, axis[1]) if abs(da) <= prec: return a if abs(db) <= prec: return b if da * db > 0: return None # the segment doesn't reach the plane edgedir = b-a proj = dot(edgedir, axis[1]) if abs(proj) <= prec: return None # the segment is parallel to the plane return a + da * edgedir / proj def intersection_axis_face(axis, face, prec): ''' Intersection between an axis and a triangle In case of intersection with an edge of the triangle, return None ''' n = cross(face[1]-face[0], face[2]-face[0]) unp = dot(n, axis[1]) if abs(unp) <= prec: return None p = axis[0] + dot(face[0]-axis[0], n) / unp * axis[1] for i in range(3): if dot(p - face[i], normalize(cross(n,face[i]-face[i-1]))) <= prec: return None return p def removefaces(mesh, crit): ''' Remove faces whose indices are present in faces, (for huge amount, prefer pass faces as a set) ''' newfaces = typedlist(dtype=uvec3) newtracks = typedlist(dtype='I') for i in range(len(mesh.faces)): if not crit(i): newfaces.append(mesh.faces[i]) newtracks.append(mesh.tracks[i]) mesh.faces = newfaces mesh.tracks = newtracks def removeedges(mesh, crit): ''' Remove faces whose indices are present in faces, (for huge amount, prefer pass faces as a set) ''' newedges = typedlist(dtype=uvec2) newtracks = typedlist(dtype='I') for i in range(len(mesh.edges)): if not crit(i): newedges.append(mesh.edges[i]) newtracks.append(mesh.tracks[i]) mesh.edges = newedges mesh.tracks = newtracks #def facesurf(mesh, fi): #o,x,y = mesh.facepoints(fi) #return length(cross(x-o, y-o)) #def faceangle(mesh, fi): #o,x,y = mesh.facepoints(fi) #return length(cross(normalize(x-o), normalize(y-o))) def faceheight(mesh, fi): f = mesh.facepoints(fi) m = inf for i in range(3): a,b = f[i]-f[i-1], f[i]-f[i-2] if not dot(b,b): return 0 m = min(m, dot(a,a) - dot(a,b)**2/dot(b,b)) return sqrt(max(0,m)) def faceheight(mesh, fi): f = mesh.facepoints(fi) m = inf for i in range(3): l = length(f[i-2]-f[i]) if not l: return 0 h = length(cross(f[i-2]-f[i], f[i-1]-f[i])) / l if h < m: m = h return m @chamfer.register(Mesh) def mesh_chamfer(mesh, edges, cutter): ''' Create a chamfer on the given suite of points, create faces are planes. cutter is described in function planeoffsets() ''' # cut faces segments = mesh_multicut(mesh, edges, cutter) # create junctions group = len(mesh.groups) mesh.groups.append(None) pts = mesh.points # edges for corners surfaces corners = {} def cornerreg(c, edge): if c not in corners: corners[c] = [] corners[c].append(edge) for e,s in segments.items(): if not s: continue # corner cuts if isinstance(e, Number): if e not in corners: corners[e] = [] corners[e].extend(s) # edge cuts else: # assemble the intersection segments in a single outline frags = suites(s) if len(frags) == 1: lp = frags[0] cornerreg(e[0], (lp[0],lp[-1])) elif len(frags) == 2: lp = frags[0] + frags[1] # get the sides in the edge direction l,r = frags if dot(pts[l[-1]]-pts[l[0]], pts[e[1]]-pts[e[0]]) < 0 or dot(pts[r[-1]]-pts[r[0]], pts[e[1]]-pts[e[0]]) > 0: l,r = r,l cornerreg(e[0], (l[0], r[-1])) cornerreg(e[1], (r[0], l[-1])) else: raise Exception('a cutted edge has more than 2 cutted sides') # triangulate cutted edge faces = triangulation_outline(Wire(mesh.points, lp)).faces mesh.faces.extend(faces) mesh.tracks.extend([group]*len(faces)) for c,s in corners.items(): # triangulate cutted corner faces = triangulation_outline(Wire(mesh.points, suites(s)[0])).faces mesh.faces.extend(faces) mesh.tracks.extend([group]*len(faces)) @bevel.register(Mesh) def mesh_bevel(mesh, edges, cutter, resolution=None): ''' Create a chamfer on the given suite of points, create faces are planes. cutter is described in function planeoffsets() ''' if isinstance(edges, Web): edges = edges.edges edges = [edgekey(*e) for e in edges] conn = connef(mesh.faces) enormals = {} for e in edges: enormals[e] = ( mesh.facenormal(conn[e]), mesh.facenormal(conn[(e[1],e[0])]), ) # cut faces segments = mesh_multicut(mesh, edges, cutter, conn) mesh.check() conn = connef(mesh.faces) pts = mesh.points # edges for corners surfaces corners = {} def cornerreg(c, edge): if c not in corners: corners[c] = [] corners[c].append(edge) # create junctions normals = {} # face normal at each point junctions = [] ends = [] for e,s in segments.items(): if not s: continue # corner cuts if isinstance(e, Number): if e not in corners: corners[e] = [] corners[e].extend(s) # edge cuts else: # assemble the intersection segments in a single outline frags = suites(s) # one loop: bevel extremity if len(frags) == 1: lp = frags[0] # find a separation to put a junction between 2 sides side = noproject(pts[lp[0]]-pts[lp[-1]], normalize(pts[e[1]] - pts[e[0]])) for i in range(1,len(lp)): if dot(pts[lp[i-1]]-pts[e[0]], side) * dot(pts[lp[i]]-pts[e[0]], side) < 0: l,r = lp[:i], lp[i:] break cornerreg(e[0], (lp[0],lp[-1])) if (lp[i], lp[i-1]) in conn: ends.append((lp[i-1], lp[i])) # two parts: cutted edge elif len(frags) == 2: l,r = frags if dot(pts[l[-1]]-pts[l[0]], pts[e[1]]-pts[e[0]]) < 0 or dot(pts[r[-1]]-pts[r[0]], pts[e[1]]-pts[e[0]]) > 0: l,r = r,l cornerreg(e[0], (l[0], r[-1])) cornerreg(e[1], (r[0], l[-1])) else: raise Exception('a cutted edge has more than 2 cutted sides') # match the curves r.reverse() match = list(match_length(Wire(pts,l), Wire(pts,r))) # prepare tangents ll = Wire(pts,l).length() x = 0. for i in range(len(match)): if i: x += distance(pts[match[i-1][0]], pts[match[i][0]]) / ll # get the tangents from the triangle between the cuts and the cutting edge l,r = match[i] o = interpol1(pts[e[1]], pts[e[0]], x) plane = cross(pts[r]-o, pts[l]-o) normals[l] = enormals[e][1] + normals.get(l, 0) normals[r] = enormals[e][0] + normals.get(r, 0) junctions.append(match) # normals neighbooring corners for e,s in corners.items(): for a,b in s: if (b,a) in conn: n = mesh.facenormal(conn[(b,a)]) normals[b] = normals.get(b, 0) + n normals[a] = normals.get(a, 0) + n # normals neighbooring cut ends for a,b in ends: n = mesh.facenormal(conn[(b,a)]) normals[a] = noproject(normals[a], n) normals[b] = noproject(normals[b], n) # normalize all contributions for k,n in normals.items(): normals[k] = normalize(n) # compute resolution based on adjacent faces to edges div = 0 c = 0 for match in junctions: for a,b in match: div += settings.curve_resolution( arclength(a,b,normals[a],normals[b]), anglebt(normals[a], normals[b]), resolution) c += 1 div //= c new = Mesh() # round cutted corner for e,s in corners.items(): if len(s) < 3: continue # assemble the intersection segments in a single outline lp = suites(s)[0] if lp[-1] == lp[0]: lp.pop() # remove the redundant point if there is (not all the time due to some BUG) new += tangentcorner(pts, lp, normals, div) # fill gap between existing surface and round extremities for edge in ends: n = mesh.facenormal(conn[(edge[1],edge[0])]) new += tangentend(pts, edge, normals, div) # round cutted edges for match in junctions: # put a junction new += tangentjunction(pts, match, normals, div) new.groups = [None] new.tracks = typedlist.full(0, len(new.faces), 'I') mesh += new mesh.mergeclose() # ---- web operations ----- from .nprint import nprint
[docs]def web_cut(web, start, cutplane, conn, prec, removal): ''' Propagation cut for a point :start: the edge or point to start propagation from :cutplane: the plane cutting the faces. Its normal must be oriented toward the propagation area. ''' intersections = [] # propagate from point to point seen = set() front = list(conn[start]) while front: ei = front.pop() if ei in seen: continue seen.add(ei) e = web.edges[ei] # look intersection with the cutplane ep = web.edgepoints(e) side = [dot(p-cutplane[0], cutplane[1]) for p in ep] if side[0]*side[1] <= prec: p = intersection_edge_plane(ep, cutplane, prec) pi = len(web.points) web.points.append(p) intersections.append(pi) if side[0] <= prec: if distance2(p,ep[0]) < prec**2: pi = e[0] web.edges[ei] = (pi, e[1]) web.edges.append((e[0], pi)) web.tracks.append(web.tracks[ei]) conn.discard(e[0], ei) conn.add(e[0], len(web.edges)-1) else: if distance2(p,ep[1]) < prec**2: pi = e[1] web.edges[ei] = (e[0], pi) web.edges.append((pi, e[1])) web.tracks.append(web.tracks[ei]) conn.discard(e[1], ei) conn.add(e[1], len(web.edges)-1) else: # propagate for p in e: front.extend(conn[p]) removal.update(seen) return intersections
@multicut.register(Web) def web_multicut(web, points, cutter, conn=None, prec=None, removal=None): if conn is None: conn = connpe(web.edges) if prec is None: prec = web.precision() if isinstance(points, Wire): points = points.indices removal = set() cutter = interpretcutter(cutter) pts = web.points intersections = {} for pi in points: dirs = [] for ni in conn[pi]: e = web.edges[ni] dirs.append(normalize( pts[pi] - pts[e[e[0] == pi]] )) if not dirs: # the cut has removed everything connected continue normal = normalize(sum(dirs)) c = sum(dot(normal,d) for d in dirs) / len(dirs) s = sqrt(max(0, 1-c**2)) x,_,_ = dirbase(normal) offset = cutter(c*x + s*normal, -c*x + s*normal) if dot(offset, normal) > 0: offset = -offset plane = (pts[pi]+offset, -normalize(offset)) intersections[pi] = web_cut(web, pi, plane, conn, prec, removal) removeedges(web, lambda i: i in removal) return intersections @chamfer.register(Web) def web_chamfer(web, points, cutter): holes = web_multicut(web, points, cutter) g = len(web.groups) web.groups.append(None) conn = connpe(web.edges) def link(e): if web.edges[next(conn[e[0]])][0] == e[0]: return (e[1],e[0]) else: return e for cuts in holes.values(): if len(cuts) == 2: web.edges.append(link(tuple(cuts))) web.tracks.append(g) else: pi = len(web.points) web.points.append(sum(web.points[c] for c in cuts) / len(cuts)) web.edges.extend( link((c,pi)) for c in cuts ) web.tracks.extend( [g] * len(cuts) ) @bevel.register(Web) def web_bevel(obj, points, cutter, resolution=None): holes = web_multicut(obj, points, cutter) conn = connpe(obj.edges) pts = obj.points div = 6 g = len(obj.groups) obj.groups.append(None) def tangentat(p): ''' Find the tangent axis to the given cut point, the third element is whether the original edge direction is opposite to the given tangent ''' e = obj.edges[next(conn[p])] if e[0] == p: return pts[p], normalize(pts[p] - pts[e[1]]), True else: return pts[p], normalize(pts[p] - pts[e[0]]), False for cuts in holes.values(): if len(cuts) == 2: # place an arc between the two ends s0 = tangentat(cuts[0]) s1 = tangentat(cuts[1]) corner = web(tangentarc(s0[:2], s1[:2], resolution)) if s0[2]: corner = corner.flip() obj += corner else: # find an approximate sphere center tangents = [tangentat(i) for i in cuts] normal = normalize(sum(t[1] for t in tangents)) med = sum(pts[i] for i in cuts) / len(cuts) center = sum(pts[i] + unproject(med-pts[i], normal) for i in cuts) radius = sum(distance(pts[i], center) for i in cuts) # place summit pi = len(pts) top = center + normal*radius pts.append(top) # place arcs for t in tangents: u = (top, noproject(t[0]-top, normal)) corner = web(tangentarc(t[:2], u, resolution)) if t[2]: corner = corner.flip() obj += corner # ---- wire operations ----- @multicut.register(Wire) def wire_multicut(wire: Wire, points, cutter): if isinstance(points, Wire): points = points.indices if not isinstance(points, set): points = set(points) prec = wire.precision() cutter = interpretcutter(cutter) if not wire.tracks: wire.tracks = typedlist.full(0, len(wire.indices), "I") g = len(wire.groups) wire.groups.append(None) cuts = [] closed = wire.indices[0] == wire.indices[-1] for index, origin in enumerate(wire.indices): if origin not in points: continue # get point location in the wire if not closed: if origin == wire.indices[0] or origin == wire.indices[-1]: raise MeshError("a chamfer/bevel cannot have only one side") # compute cut plane ref = wire[index-1] - wire[index] p0, p1 = wire[index:index+2] # handle special case of closed wire prior_p = wire[index-1] if prior_p == p0: prior_p = wire[index-2] t0, t1 = normalize(p0 - prior_p), normalize(p1 - p0) axis = cross(t0, t1) offset = cutter(normalize(cross(axis, t0)), normalize(cross(axis, t1))) if dot(offset, t0) > 0: offset = -offset cutplane = (p0 + offset, -normalize(offset)) def find_intersection(it): for ii0, ii1 in it: if ii0 == -1: # handle closed wires ii0 = -2 p0, p1 = wire[ii0], wire[ii1] ps = intersection_edge_plane((p0, p1), cutplane, prec) if ps: if isfinite(ps): return ii1, ps raise ValueError("no intersection found") # propagate backward back_range = range(index, -closed, -1) back_it = zip(map(lambda x: x-1, back_range), back_range) iiback, ps = find_intersection(back_it) cuts.append((iiback, iiback + 1)) # point interval including start and excluding end # propagate forward wlen = len(wire.indices) forward_range = range(index, wlen-1) forward_it = zip(forward_range, map(lambda x: x+1, forward_range)) iiforward, pe = find_intersection(forward_it) # update wire m = len(wire.points) wire.points.append(ps) wire.points.append(pe) wire.indices[iiback: iiforward] = [m, m + 1] wire.tracks[iiback: iiforward] = [g, wire.tracks[iiforward-1]] if origin == wire.indices[-1]: wire.indices[-1] = wire.indices[0] wire.tracks[-1] = wire.tracks[0] return cuts @chamfer.register(Wire) def wire_chamfer(wire, points, cutter): wire_multicut(wire, points, cutter) @bevel.register(Wire) def wire_bevel(wire, points, cutter, resolution=None): closed = wire.indices[0] == wire.indices[-1] cuts = wire_multicut(wire, points, cutter) g = len(wire.groups) - 1 wire.groups[g] = None cuts.reverse() for ii0, ii1 in cuts: p0 = wire[ii0] p1 = wire[ii1] tpii0 = ii0 - 1 # indices index if prior point tpii1 = ii1 + 1 # indices index if prior point if tpii0 < 0: tpii0 = -2 t0 = normalize(p0 - wire[tpii0]) t1 = normalize(p1 - wire[tpii1]) old_l = len(wire.points) wire.points.extend( tangentarc((p0,t0), (p1,t1), resolution)) wire.indices[ii0:ii0+2] = range(old_l, len(wire.points)) wire.tracks[ii0:ii0+1] = [g] * (len(wire.points)-old_l-1) if closed and ii0==0: wire.indices[-1] == wire.indices[0] # --- mesh tangent generation functions ---- def tangentarc(s0, s1, resolution=None): ''' Create a tangent curve to both given axis. return the curve as a list of points ''' p0, t0 = s0 p1, t1 = s1 z = cross(t0,t1) factor = arclength(p0, p1, cross(z,t0), cross(t1,z)) s0 = (p0, factor*t0) s1 = (p1, factor*t1) div = settings.curve_resolution(factor, anglebt(t0,-t1), resolution) return [ interpol2(s0, s1, j/(div+1)) for j in range(div+2) ]
[docs]def tangentend(points, edge, normals, div): ''' Join a tangent surface resulting of `tangentcorner` or `tangentjunction` to a straight edge e `normals` is the same dict as for tangentcorner and tangentjunction ''' l, r = edge pl, pr = points[l], points[r] dist = arclength(points[l], points[r], normals[l], normals[r]) e = points[r]-points[l] tl = normalize(noproject( e, normals[l])) * dist tr = normalize(noproject(-e, normals[r])) * dist def infos(): for i in range(div+2): x = i/(div+1) yield interpol2((pl,tl), (pr,tr), x), interpol1(pl,pr, x) return blenditer(infos(), 0, interpol1)
[docs]def tangentcorner(pts, lp, normals, div): ''' Create a rounded surface tangent to the loop given `normals` is a dict {point: normal} ''' new = Mesh() # compute the common points to all triangular regions n = normalize(sum(normals[i] for i in lp)) med = sum(pts[i] for i in lp) / len(lp) center = sum(pts[i] + unproject(med-pts[i], normals[i]) for i in lp) / len(lp) radius = sum(distance(pts[i], center) for i in lp) / len(lp) # place a central point p = len(pts) pts.append(center + n*radius) normals[p] = n # triangulate for i in range(len(lp)): a,b,c = lp[i-1], lp[i], p new += gt.icosurface( (pts[a],pts[b],pts[c]), (normals[a],normals[b],normals[c]), resolution=('div',div)) return new
[docs]def tangentjunction(points, match, normals, div): ''' Create a surface joining the given couples of points, tangent to the two sides `normals` is a dict {point: normal} ''' def infos(): # estimate normals for l,r in match: dist = arclength(points[l], points[r], normals[l], normals[r]) e = points[r]-points[l] tl = normalize(noproject( e, normals[l])) * dist tr = normalize(noproject(-e, normals[r])) * dist yield (points[r], tr), (points[l], tl) return blenditer(infos(), div, interpol2)