Source code for madcad.reverse

from .mathutils import *
from .mesh import Mesh, connef, edgekey
from .constraints import SolveError
from .nprint import nprint

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, least_squares

__all__ = [	'segmentation',
			'guessjoint', 'guesssurface',

[docs]def segmentation(mesh, tolerance=5, sharp=0.2) -> Mesh: ''' Surface segmentation based on curvature. This functions splits faces into groups based on curvature proximity. Ideally each resulting group is a set of faces with the same curvature. In practice such is not possible due to the mesh resolution introducing bias in curvature estimation. Thus a `tolerance` is used to decide what is a sufficiently close curvature to belong to the same group. In order to avoid too sharp edges to be considered a very low resolution but smooth surface, `sharp` is the value of the limit edge angle that can be considered in smooth surface. This function is particularly usefull when importing geometries from a format that doesn't manage groups (such as STL). Parameters: tolerance (float): maximum difference factor between curvatures of a same group (1 means +100% curvature is allowed) sharp (float): angle above which an angle is always sharp (radians) NOTE: This functions is not magic and despite the default parameters are usually fine for mechanical parts, you may get badly grouped faces in some cases, hence you will need to tune the parameters. The success of this functions is highly dependent of the quality of the input mesh triangulation. Example: >>> part = read('myfile.stl') >>> part.mergeclose() >>> part = segmentation(part) ''' # pick informations from the mesh pts = mesh.points conn = connef(mesh.faces) facenormals = mesh.facenormals() prec = 1 / mesh.maxnum() # curvature precision, curvature is rad/m, so 1rad/max dist seems to be a fairly low curvature # this is what this functions is working to create: new groups and tracks to assign it to faces tracks = [-1] * len(mesh.faces) groups = [] # evaluate curvature around every edge edgecurve = {} facecurve = [0.] * len(mesh.faces) weight = [0.] * len(mesh.faces) for e, fa in conn.items(): if edgekey(*e) in edgecurve: continue fb = conn.get((e[1],e[0])) if not fb: continue curve = dot(pts[e[1]] - pts[e[0]], cross(facenormals[fa], facenormals[fb])) edgecurve[edgekey(*e)] = angle = anglebt(facenormals[fa], facenormals[fb]) # report average curvature to neighboring faces if sharp > angle: w = max(0, 0.5-angle) # empirical weighting facecurve[fa] += curve * w # multiply angle at edge by (triangle height) ~= surface/(edge length) facecurve[fb] += curve * w weight[fa] += w weight[fb] += w # divide contributions to face curvatures for i,f in enumerate(mesh.faces): area = 0.5 * length(cross(pts[f[1]]-pts[f[0]], pts[f[2]]-pts[f[0]])) * weight[i] if area: facecurve[i] /= area else: facecurve[i] = 0 #debug.append(text.Text( #(pts[f[0]] + pts[f[1]] + pts[f[2]]) /3, #'{:.2g}'.format(facecurve[i]), #size=8, #align=('left', 'center'), #)) # groupping gives priority to the less curved faces, so they can extend to the ambiguous limits if there is sortedfaces = sorted(range(len(mesh.faces)), key=lambda i: abs(facecurve[i])) index = 0 while True: # pick a non assigned face for index in range(index, len(sortedfaces)): if tracks[sortedfaces[index]] == -1: break if index >= len(sortedfaces): break i = sortedfaces[index] f = mesh.faces[i] # start propagation for this face tracks[i] = len(groups) estimate = facecurve[i] # average curvature of the group sample = 1 # samples used in the average curvature of the group front = [(f[k-1], f[k-2]) for k in range(3)] # propagation frontline reached = {i} # faces reached by propagation # for triangles on the frontier of a curved surface, the curvature may appear to be null (or close), in this case look for a paired triangle if abs(facecurve[i]) < prec: best = None fence = inf for i,e in enumerate(front): j = conn.get(e) if j is None or tracks[j] != -1 or j in reached: continue if edgecurve[edgekey(*e)] >= sharp: continue score = abs(facecurve[j]-facecurve[i]) if score < fence: best, fence = j, score if best is not None: estimate = facecurve[best] # propagation while front: e = front.pop() j = conn.get(e) # check if already processed if j is None or tracks[j] != -1 or j in reached: continue reached.add(j) # check criterions: # split groups at maximum curvature if edgecurve[edgekey(*e)] >= sharp: continue # split groups when curvature is too far from average curvature if abs(facecurve[j]-estimate) / (abs(estimate)+prec) > tolerance: continue # improve estimation of average curvature tracks[j] = len(groups) estimate = (estimate*sample + facecurve[j]) / (sample+1) sample += 1 # propagate f = mesh.faces[j] front.extend((f[k-1], f[k-2]) for k in range(3)) groups.append(estimate) index += 1 return Mesh(mesh.points, mesh.faces, tracks, groups)
# --------- guess-stuff ----------
[docs]def guessjoint(solid1, solid2, surface1, surface2, guess=quat(), precision=1e-5) -> 'joint': ''' Create a kinematic joint based on the surfaces given. The function will use `guesssurface` to find the surface kind and then deduce the appropriate joint to make the surfaces coincide. Parameters: solid1, solid2: solids the joint applies on surface1, surface2: the surface to retreive the joint definition from guess(quat, mat3): orientation tip to orient properly the joint axis, if there is precision(float): precision for `guesssurface` ''' from .joints import Planar, Gliding, Punctiform, Ball joints = { ('plane', 'plane'): Planar, #('cylinder', 'plane'): Rolling, ('cylinder', 'cylinder'): Gliding, #('cylinder', 'sphere'): Anular, ('plane', 'sphere'): Punctiform, ('sphere', 'sphere'): Ball, } t1, p1 = guesssurface(surface1, precision) t2, p2 = guesssurface(surface2, precision) joint_type = joints.get(tuple(sorted([t1, t2]))) if not joint_type: raise ValueError('not junction registered for {}-{}'.format(t1, t2)) if joint_type in (Gliding, Planar): if dot(guess*p1[1], p2[1]) < 0: p1 = p1[0], -p1[1] return joint_type(solid1, solid2, p1, p2)
from operator import itemgetter
[docs]def guesssurface(surface, precision=1e-5, attempt=False): ''' Guess the surface kind, returns its parameters. Return a tuple `('surface_type', parameters)` Parameters: surface(Mesh): mesh from which to find the surface kind precision(float): typical distance error from mesh to ideal surface in the surface regression attempt(bool): if True, will not raise an error if the acheived error is too big ''' if not isinstance(surface, Mesh): return surface center = surface.barycenter() scores = [] solverargs = dict( ftol = precision, max_nfev = 300, method = 'lm') # plane regression def evaluate(x): # retreive surface parameters origin, normal = vec3(x[:3]), normalize(vec3(x[3:])) # allocate residuals residual = np.zeros((len(surface.faces)+2, 4), dtype='f8') # compute residuals residual[-1,0] = (length(vec3(x[3:])) - 1)**2 residual[-2,0] = length2(noproject(center-origin, normal)) for i,f in enumerate(surface.faces): fp = surface.facepoints(f) p = (fp[0]+fp[1]+fp[2]) / 3 residual[i,0] = dot(p-origin, normal)**2 # distance to the face center for j,p in enumerate(fp): residual[i,j+1] = dot(p-origin, normal)**2 # distance to each point return residual.ravel() res = least_squares(evaluate, [*center, 1,1,1], **solverargs) scores.append(( np.mean(, 'plane', (vec3(res.x[:3]), vec3(res.x[3:])), )) #print('plane', res.nfev, np.mean(, '\t', list(res.x)) # sphere regression def evaluate(x): # retreive surface parameters origin, radius = vec3(x[:3]), float(x[3]) # allocate residuals residual = np.zeros((len(surface.faces), 4), dtype='f8') # compute residuals for i,f in enumerate(surface.faces): fp = surface.facepoints(f) p = (fp[0]+fp[1]+fp[2]) / 3 residual[i,0] = (distance(p, origin) - radius) **2 for j,p in enumerate(fp): residual[i,j+1] = (distance(p, origin) - radius) **2 return residual.ravel() res = least_squares(evaluate, [*center, 1], **solverargs) scores.append(( np.mean(, 'sphere', vec3(res.x[:3]), )) #print('sphere', res.nfev, np.mean(, '\t', list(res.x)) # cylinder regression def evaluate(x): # retreive surface parameters origin, direction, radius = vec3(x[:3]), vec3(x[3:6]), float(x[6]) # allocate residuals residual = np.zeros((len(surface.faces)+2, 4), dtype='f8') # compute residuals residual[-1,0] = (length(vec3(x[3:6])) - 1) **2 residual[-2,0] = length2(project(center-origin, direction)) for i,f in enumerate(surface.faces): fp = surface.facepoints(f) p = (fp[0]+fp[1]+fp[2]) / 3 residual[i,0] = (length(noproject(p-origin, direction)) - radius) **2 for j,p in enumerate(fp): residual[i,j+1] = (length(noproject(p-origin, direction)) - radius) **2 return residual.ravel() # estimate a first axis to avoid the solver to fall into a local extremum # sum contrbutions of curvature at edges direction = vec3(0) conn = connef(surface.faces) for e in conn: if (e[1], e[0]) in conn and e[0] < e[1]: edge = cross(surface.facenormal(conn[e]), surface.facenormal(conn[(e[1],e[0])])) direction += edge * (sign(dot(edge, direction)) or 1) # if the initial direction is too weak, then we are sure it's not a cylinder if length2(direction): if -min(direction) > max(direction): direction = -direction # solve res = least_squares(evaluate, [*center, *normalize(direction), 1], **solverargs) scores.append(( np.mean(, 'cylinder', (vec3(res.x[:3]), vec3(res.x[3:])), )) #print('cylinder', res.nfev, np.mean(, '\t', list(res.x)) # pick best regression of all best = min(scores, key=itemgetter(0)) if attempt or best[0] > precision: raise SolveError('unable to find a suitable surface type') #print('---', best[1]) return best[1], best[2]
# replace et lisse les points des groupes (contours puis surfaces) def homogenize(mesh): pass # découpe les faces et replace les points résultants pour améliorer la résolution des surfaes courbes (groupe par groupe) def subdivide(mesh, density): pass # retire les points les moins importants a la forme pour réduire la densité def simplify(mesh, density): pass