Source code for madcad.scheme

# This file is part of pymadcad,  distributed under license LGPL v3

''' This module provides annotation functions to quickly measure and show things on meshes
	This is more to be considered as a rendering feature, rather than a proper measuring system.
	Everything is built on the class `Scheme` that provide a very versatile way to structure and render simple but animated schematics
	Those functions are designed to be very simple to use, (sometimes even minimalistic)
		>>> mesh = brick(width=vec3(3,2,1))
		>>> show([
		... 	mesh,
		... 	note_distance_planes(,,
		... 	note_leading(, text='truc'),
		... 	])

import moderngl as mgl
import numpy.core as np
import glm
from operator import itemgetter
from collections import deque

from .mathutils import *
from .rendering import Display
from .common import resourcedir
from .mesh import Mesh, Web, Wire, web, wire, mesh_distance, connef, connpe, edgekey, arrangeface, arrangeedge
from .rendering import Displayable, writeproperty, overrides
from .text import TextDisplay, textsize
from .primitives import *
from . import mathutils
from . import generation as gt
from . import settings

__all__ = ['Scheme', 

[docs]class Scheme: ''' An object containing schematics. This is a buffer object, it isnot intended to be useful to modify a scheme. Attributes: spaces (list): a space is any function giving a mat4 to position a point on the screen (openGL convensions as used) vertices (list): a vertex is a tuple `(space id, position, normal, color, layer, track, flags)` primitives (list): list of buffers (of point indices, edges, triangles, depending on the exact primitive type), associaded to each supported shader in the scheem currently supported shaders are: - `'line'` uniform opaque/transparent lines - `'fill'` uniform opaque/transparent triangles - `'ghost'` triangles of surface that fade when its normal is close to the view components (list): objects to display setting their local space to one of the spaces current (dict): last vertex definition, implicitely reused for convenience ''' def __init__(self, vertices=None, spaces=None, primitives=None, **kwargs): self.vertices = vertices or [] # list of vertices self.spaces = spaces or [] # definition of each space self.primitives = primitives or {} # list of indices for each shader self.components = [] # displayables associated to spaces # for creation: last vertex inserted self.current = {'color':fvec4(settings.display['annotation_color'],1), 'flags':0, 'layer':0, 'space':world, 'shader':'wire', 'track':0, 'normal':fvec3(0)} self.set(**kwargs) def __iadd__(self, other): ''' Concatenante the content of an other scheme in the current one the current settings stay as before concatenation ''' ls = len(self.spaces) lv = len(self.vertices) lt = max(self.tracks)+1 self.spaces.extend(other.spaces) self.components.extend(other.components) self.vertices.extend([ v[0] + ls, *v[1:5], v[5] + lt, v[6], ] for v in other.vertices) for shader, prims in other.primitives: if shader not in self.primitives: self.primitives[shader] = [] self.primitives[shader].extend(tuple(i+lv for i in p) for p in prims) return self
[docs] def __add__(self, other): ''' Return the union of the two schemes. The current settings are those from first scheme ''' r = deepcopy(self) r += other return r
[docs] def set(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Change the specified attributes in the current default vertex definition ''' if args: if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], dict): kwargs = args[0] else: raise TypeError('Scheme.set expects keywords argument or one unique dictionnary argument') self.current.update(kwargs) # register the space if not already known if not isinstance(self.current['space'], int): try: i = self.spaces.index(self.current['space']) except ValueError: i = len(self.spaces) self.spaces.append(self.current['space']) self.current['space'] = i if not isinstance(self.current['color'], fvec4): self.current['color'] = fvec4(self.current['color']) return self
[docs] def add(self, obj, **kwargs): ''' Add an object to the scheme. If it is a mesh, it's merged in the current buffers. Else it is added as a component to the current space. ''' self.set(kwargs) if self.current['shader'] not in self.primitives: self.primitives[self.current['shader']] = indices = [] else: indices = self.primitives[self.current['shader']] l = len(self.vertices) if isinstance(obj, (Mesh,Web)): self.vertices.extend([ self.current['space'], fvec3(p), self.current['normal'], self.current['color'], self.current['layer'], self.current['track'], self.current['flags'], ] for p in obj.points) if isinstance(obj, Mesh): indices.extend(((a+l, b+l, c+l) for a,b,c in obj.faces)) for f, track in zip(obj.faces, obj.tracks): for p in f: self.vertices[p+l][5] = track for i,n in enumerate(obj.vertexnormals()): self.vertices[i+l][2] = n elif isinstance(obj, Web): indices.extend(((a+l, b+l) for a,b in obj.edges)) for e, track in zip(obj.edges, obj.tracks): for p in e: self.vertices[p+l][5] = track elif hasattr(obj, '__iter__'): n = len(self.vertices) for obj in obj: if isinstance(obj, (fvec3, vec3)): self.vertices.append([ self.current['space'], fvec3(obj), self.current['normal'], self.current['color'], self.current['layer'], self.current['track'], self.current['flags'], ]) n += 1 else: self.add(obj) indices.extend((i,i+1) for i in range(l, n-1)) else: self.component(obj) return self
[docs] def component(self, obj, **kwargs): ''' Add an object as component associated to the current space ''' self.set(**kwargs) self.components.append((self.current['space'], obj)) return self
class display(Display): ''' Display for schemes Attributes: :spaces: numpy array of matrices for each space, sent as uniform to the shader :vb_vertices: vertex buffer for vertices :vas: vertex array associated to each shader ''' max_spaces = 32 # this maximum size of the spaces array must match the size in the shader def __init__(self, scene, sch): ctx = scene.ctx # load the resources self.shaders, self.shader_ident = scene.resource('scheme', self.load) # switch to array indexed spaces self.spaces = typedlist.full(fmat4(0), self.max_spaces) self.spacegens = list(sch.spaces) if len(self.spacegens) > self.max_spaces: print('warning: the number of local spaces exceeds the arbitrary build-in limit of {}'.format(self.max_spaces)) self.components = [(space,scene.display(obj)) for space,obj in sch.components] self.nidents = max(v[5] for v in sch.vertices)+1 = boundingbox( (fvec3(v[1]) for v in sch.vertices if self.spacegens[v[0]] is world), default=Box(center=fvec3(0), width=fvec3(-inf)), ) # prepare the buffer of vertices vertices = np.empty(len(sch.vertices), 'u1, 3f4, 3f4, 4u1, f4, u2, u1') for i,v in enumerate(sch.vertices): vertices[i] = ( *v[:3], u8vec4(v[3]*255), *v[4:] ) self.vb_vertices = ctx.buffer(vertices) verticesdef = [(self.vb_vertices, 'u1 3f4 3f4 4f1 f4 u2 u1', 'space', 'v_position', 'v_normal', 'v_color', 'v_layer', 'v_ident', 'v_flags')] # prepare the rending commands ident_triangles = [] ident_lines = [] self.vas = {} self.vai_triangles = None self.vai_lines = None for shname,batch in sch.primitives.items(): if not batch: continue if shname not in self.shaders: raise KeyError('no shader for name {}'.format(repr(shname))) prim, shader = self.shaders[shname] vb_indices = ctx.buffer(np.array(batch, 'u4')) self.vas[shname] = (prim, ctx.vertex_array(shader, verticesdef, vb_indices, skip_errors=True)) if prim == mgl.LINES: ident_lines.extend(batch) elif prim == mgl.TRIANGLES: ident_triangles.extend(batch) if ident_triangles: self.vai_triangles = ctx.vertex_array(self.shader_ident, verticesdef, ctx.buffer(np.array(ident_triangles, 'u4')), skip_errors=True) if ident_lines: self.vai_lines = ctx.vertex_array(self.shader_ident, verticesdef, ctx.buffer(np.array(ident_lines, 'u4')), skip_errors=True) def __del__(self): for prim, va in self.vas.values(): va.release() self.vas.clear() if self.vai_triangles: self.vai_triangles.release() if self.vai_lines: self.vai_lines.release() if self.vb_vertices: self.vb_vertices.release() self.vb_vertices = None def load(self, scene): ''' Load shaders and all static data for the current OpenGL context ''' vert = open(resourcedir+'/shaders/scheme.vert').read() shader_ident = scene.ctx.program( vertex_shader=vert, fragment_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/scheme-ident.frag').read(), ) shaders = { 'line': (mgl.LINES, scene.ctx.program( vertex_shader=vert, fragment_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/scheme-uniform.frag').read(), )), 'fill': (mgl.TRIANGLES, scene.ctx.program( vertex_shader=vert, fragment_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/scheme-uniform.frag').read(), )), 'ghost': (mgl.TRIANGLES, scene.ctx.program( vertex_shader=vert, fragment_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/scheme-ghost.frag').read(), )), } return shaders, shader_ident def compute_spaces(self, view): ''' Compute the new spaces for this frame. This is meant to be overriden when new spaces are required ''' view.uniforms['world'] = for i,gen in enumerate(self.spacegens): self.spaces[i] = gen(view) if self.components: invview = affineInverse(view.uniforms['view']) for space,disp in self.components: = invview * self.spaces[space] def render(self, view): ''' Render each va in self.vas ''' #self.compute_spaces(view) for name in self.vas: shader = self.shaders[name][1] prim, va = self.vas[name] shader['spaces'].write(self.spaces) shader['proj'].write(view.uniforms['proj']) shader['highlight'].write( fvec4(fvec3(settings.display['select_color_line']), 0.5) if self.selected else fvec4(0) ) va.render(prim) def identify(self, view): ''' Render all the triangles and lines for identification ''' self.shader_ident['startident'] = view.identstep(self.nidents) self.shader_ident['spaces'].write(self.spaces) self.shader_ident['proj'].write(view.uniforms['proj']) if self.vai_lines: self.vai_lines.render(mgl.LINES) if self.vai_triangles: self.vai_triangles.render(mgl.TRIANGLES) def stack(self, scene): yield ((), 'screen', -1, self.compute_spaces) yield ((), 'screen', 2, self.render) yield ((), 'ident', 2, self.identify) for space,disp in self.components: yield from disp.stack(scene)
class SchemeInstance: def __init__(self, name, scheme, *kwargs): = name self.scheme = scheme vars(self).update(kwargs) class display(Scheme.display): def __init__(self, scene, instance): self.instance = instance disp = scene.resource(id(instance.scheme), lambda: inst.scheme.display(scene, instance.scheme)) vars(self).update(vars(disp)) self.spaces = deepcopy(disp.spaces) def compute_spaces(self, view): ''' Computes the new spaces for this frame. This is meant to be overriden when new spaces are required ''' view.uniforms['world'] = for i,gen in enumerate(self.spacegens): self.spaces[i] = gen(view, self.instance) if self.components: invview = affineInverse(view.uniforms['view']) for space,disp in self.components: = invview * self.spaces[space] # create standard spaces
[docs]def view(view): proj = view.uniforms['proj'] return fmat4(1/proj[0][0], 0,0,0, 0, 1/proj[1][1], 0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,-1,1)
[docs]def screen(view): return fmat4(,0,0,0, 0,,0,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,-1,1)
def ubiquity(view): #return translate(fvec3(0,0,-1)) * fmat4(fmat3(view.uniforms['view']) * fmat3(view.uniforms['world'])) proj = view.uniforms['proj'] f = - (proj[3][2]-proj[3][3]) / (proj[2][2] - proj[2][3]) n = - (proj[3][2]+proj[3][3]) / (proj[2][2] + proj[2][3]) d = 3*n e = proj * fvec4(1,1,d,1) e /= e[3] return translate(fvec3(0,0,d)) * fmat4( fmat3(1/e[1]) * fmat3(view.uniforms['view']) * fmat3(view.uniforms['world']))
[docs]def world(view): return view.uniforms['view'] * view.uniforms['world']
[docs]def halo_world(position): position = fvec4(position,1) def mat(view): center = view.uniforms['view'] * (view.uniforms['world'] * position) m = fmat4(1) m[3] = center return m return mat
[docs]def halo_view(position): position = fvec4(position,1) def mat(view): center = view.uniforms['view'] * (view.uniforms['world'] * position) proj = view.uniforms['proj'] e = proj * fvec4(1,1,center.z,1) e /= e[3] m = fmat4(1/e[1]) m[3] = center return m return mat
[docs]def halo_screen(position): position = fvec4(position,1) def mat(view): center = view.uniforms['view'] * (view.uniforms['world'] * position) e = view.uniforms['proj'] * fvec4(1,1,center.z,1) e /= e[3] m = fmat4(2/(e[1]* m[3] = center return m return mat
[docs]def scale_screen(center): def mat(view): m = view.uniforms['view'] * view.uniforms['world'] e = view.uniforms['proj'] * fvec4(1,1,(m*center).z,1) e /= e[3] return m * translate(center) * scale(fvec3(2 / (e[1]* return mat
[docs]def scale_view(center): def mat(view): m = view.uniforms['view'] * view.uniforms['world'] e = view.uniforms['proj'] * fvec4(1,1,(m*center).z,1) e /= e[3] return m * translate(center) * scale(fvec3(1 / e[1])) return mat
def halo_screen_flipping(position, offset): position = fvec4(position,1) def mat(view): numprec = 1e-7 center = view.uniforms['view'] * (view.uniforms['world'] * position) e = view.uniforms['proj'] * fvec4(1,1,center.z,1) e /= e[3] screen_center = view.uniforms['proj'] * center screen_center /= screen_center[3] screen_tip = view.uniforms['proj'] * (view.uniforms['view'] * (view.uniforms['world'] * fvec4(offset, 0))) screen_tip /= -abs(screen_tip[3]) - numprec if screen_tip[0] <= screen_center[0] + numprec: flip = fvec4(1,1,1,1) else: flip = fvec4(-1,1,1,1) m = fmat4(*(flip * 2/(e[1]* m[3] = center return m return mat def mesh_placement(mesh) -> '(pos,normal)': ''' Return an axis for placement of a note on the given object ''' if isinstance(mesh, Mesh): # group center normal center = mesh.barycenter() f = min(mesh.faces, key=lambda f: distance2(center, sum(mesh.facepoints(f))/3) ) normal = mesh.facenormal(f) pos = sum(mesh.facepoints(f)) / 3 elif isinstance(mesh, Web): center = mesh.barycenter() e = min(mesh.edges, key=lambda e: distance2(center, (mesh.points[e[0]]+mesh.points[e[1]])/2) ) normal = dirbase(normalize(mesh.points[e[0]]-mesh.points[e[1]]))[0] pos = mix(mesh.points[e[0]], mesh.points[e[1]], 0.5) elif isinstance(mesh, Wire): return mesh_placement(web(mesh)) elif isaxis(mesh): pos, normal = mesh elif isinstance(mesh, vec3): normal = Z pos = mesh elif hasattr(mesh, 'mesh'): return mesh_placement(mesh.mesh()) else: raise TypeError('unable to place note on a {}'.format(type(mesh))) return pos, normal
[docs]def note_floating(position, text, align=(0,0)): ''' place a floating note at given position ''' return Displayable(TextDisplay, position, text, align=align, color=settings.display['annotation_color'], size=settings.display['view_font_size'])
[docs]def note_leading(placement, offset=None, text='here'): ''' Place a leading note at given position `placement` can be any of `Mesh, Web, Wire, axis, vec3` ''' origin, normal = mesh_placement(placement) if not offset: offset = 0.2 * length(boundingbox(placement).width) * normal elif isinstance(offset, (float,int)): offset = offset*normal elif not isinstance(offset, vec3): raise TypeError('offset must be scalar or vector') color = settings.display['annotation_color'] sch = Scheme(color=fvec4(color,0.7)) sch.add([origin, origin+offset], shader='line', space=world) x,y,z = dirbase(normalize(vec3(offset))) sch.add( gt.revolution(2*pi, (vec3(0), z), web([vec3(0), 16*z+4*x]), resolution=('div',8), ), shader='fill', space=scale_screen(fvec3(origin)), ) font = settings.display['view_font_size'] sch.set(space=halo_screen_flipping(fvec3(origin+offset), fvec3(offset))) sch.add([vec3(0), vec3(font*2, 0, 0)], shader='line') sch.add(Displayable(TextDisplay, vec3(textsize(text)[0]/2*0.78*font + 2*font, 0, 0), text, align=('center', 0.5), color=fvec4(color,1), size=font)) return sch
[docs]def note_distance(a, b, offset=0, project=None, d=None, tol=None, text=None, side=False): ''' Place a distance quotation between 2 points, the distance can be evaluated along vector `project` if specified ''' # get text to display if not project: project = normalize(b-a) elif dot(project, b-a) < 0: project = -project if not d: d = abs(dot(b-a, project)) if not text: if isinstance(tol,str): text = '{d:.4g} {tol}' elif tol: text = '{d:.4g} ± {tol}' else: text = '{d:.4g}' text = text.format(d=d, tol=tol) color = settings.display['annotation_color'] # convert input vectors x = dirbase(project, b-a)[0] z = project if side else -project if not isinstance(offset, vec3): offset = offset * x shift = 0.5 * mathutils.project(b-a, x) if length2(x) else 0 ao = a + offset + shift bo = b + offset - shift # create scheme sch = Scheme() sch.set(shader='line', layer=1e-4, color=fvec4(color,0.3)) sch.add([a, ao]) sch.add([b, bo]) sch.set(layer=-1e-4, color=fvec4(color,0.7)) sch.add([ao, bo]) sch.add(Displayable(TextDisplay, mix(ao,bo,0.5), text, align=('center', 0.5), size=settings.display['view_font_size'], color=fvec4(color,1))) sch.set(shader='fill') sch.add(gt.revolution( 2*pi, (vec3(0),project), web([vec3(0), 3*x-12*z]), resolution=('div',8)), space=scale_screen(fvec3(ao))) sch.add(gt.revolution( 2*pi, (vec3(0),project), web([vec3(0), 3*x+12*z]), resolution=('div',8)), space=scale_screen(fvec3(bo))) return sch
[docs]def note_distance_planes(s0, s1, offset=None, d=None, tol=None, text=None): ''' Place a distance quotation between 2 meshes `s0` and `s1` can be any of `Mesh, Web, Wire` ''' p0, n0 = mesh_placement(s0) p1, n1 = mesh_placement(s1) if length2(cross(n0,n1)) > 1e-10: raise ValueError('surfaces are not parallel') if not offset: box = boundingbox(s0,s1) offset = 0.2 * length(box.width) * normalize(noproject(p0+p1 - 2*, n0)) return note_distance(p0, p1, offset, n0, d, tol, text)
[docs]def note_distance_set(s0, s1, offset=0, d=None, tol=None, text=None): ''' Place a distance quotation between 2 objects. This is the distance between the closest elements of both sets `s0` and `s1` can be any of `Mesh, Web, Wire, vec3` ''' dist, p0, p1 = mesh_distance(s0, s1) if not d: d = dist # take the point and the higher dimension primitive if not isinstance(p0,int): s0,p0, s1,p1 = s1,p1, s0,p0 p0 = s0.points[p0] pts = s1.points if isinstance(p1, tuple): if len(p1) == 2: p1 = pts[p1[0]] + project(p0-pts[p1[0]], pts[p1[1]]-pts[p1[0]]) elif len(p1) == 3: p1 = p0 + project(pts[p1[0]]-p0, cross(pts[p1[1]]-pts[p1[0]], pts[p1[2]]-pts[p1[0]])) else: p1 = s1.points[p1] return note_distance(p0, p1, offset, None, d, tol, text)
[docs]def note_angle(a0, a1, offset=0, d=None, tol=None, text=None, unit='deg', side=False): ''' Place an angle quotation between 2 axis ''' o0, d0 = a0 o1, d1 = a1 z = normalize(cross(d0,d1)) if not isfinite(z): raise ValueError('axis are parallel') x0 = cross(d0,z) * (1 if side else -1) x1 = cross(d1,z) * (1 if side else -1) shift = project(o1-o0, z) * 0.5 # add it but in a new copy of the vectors o0 = o0 + shift o1 = o1 + shift # get text to display if not d: d = anglebt(d0, d1) if unit == 'deg': d *= 180/pi unit = '°' if not text: if isinstance(tol,str): text = '{d:.4g}{unit} {tol}' elif tol: text = '{d:.4g}{unit} ± {tol}' else: text = '{d:.4g}{unit}' text = text.format(d=d, tol=tol, unit=unit) color = settings.display['annotation_color'] # arc center if o1 == o0: center = o0 else: center = o0 + unproject(project(o1-o0, x1), d0) radius = mix(distance(o0,center), distance(o1,center), 0.5) + offset if not radius: radius = 1 # arc extremities p0 = center+radius*d0 p1 = center+radius*d1 sch = Scheme() sch.set(shader='line', layer=1e-4, color=fvec4(color,0.3)) sch.add([p0, o0]) sch.add([p1, o1]) arc = ArcCentered((center,z), p0, p1, ('rad',0.05)).mesh() sch.add(arc, color=fvec4(color,0.7)) sch.set(layer=-1e-4) sch.add(Displayable(TextDisplay, arc[len(arc)//2], text, align=('center', 0.5), size=settings.display['view_font_size'], color=fvec4(color,1))) sch.set(shader='fill') sch.add(gt.revolution( 2*pi, (vec3(0),x0), web([vec3(0), 3*d0+12*x0]), resolution=('div',8)), space=scale_screen(fvec3(p0))) sch.add(gt.revolution( 2*pi, (vec3(0),x1), web([vec3(0), 3*d1-12*x1]), resolution=('div',8)), space=scale_screen(fvec3(p1))) return sch
[docs]def note_radius(mesh, offset=None, d=None, tol=None, text=None, propagate=2): ''' Place a curvature radius quotation. This will be the minimal curvature radius observed in the mesh As a mesh is generally speaking an approximation of the desired shape, the radius may be approximative as well ''' if isinstance(mesh, Mesh): normals = mesh.vertexnormals() radius, place = mesh_curvature_radius(mesh, normals=normals, propagate=propagate) normal = normals[place] elif isinstance(mesh, Web): conn = connpp(mesh.edges) radius, place = mesh_curvature_radius(mesh, conn=conn, propagate=propagate) normal = - normalize(sum(normalize(mesh.points[p]-mesh.points[place]) for p in conn[place])) elif isinstance(mesh, wire): normals = mesh.vertexnormals() radius, place = mesh_curvature_radius(mesh, normals=normals, propagate=propagate) normal = normals[place] else: raise TypeError('input mesh must be Mesh, Web or Wire') if not offset: offset = 0.2 * length(boundingbox(mesh).width) if not isinstance(offset, vec3): offset = normal * offset if abs(dot(offset, normal))**2 < length2(place)*1e-4: offset += 0.2 * length(boundingbox(mesh).width) * normal if isinstance(place, tuple): place = sum(mesh.points[i] for i in place) / len(place) else: place = mesh.points[place] arrowplace = place + noproject(offset, normal) note = note_leading((arrowplace,normal), offset=project(offset, normal), text=text or 'R {:.4g}'.format(radius)) color = settings.display['annotation_color'] note.set(shader='line', layer=1e-4, color=fvec4(color,0.3), space=world) note.add([place, arrowplace]) return note
import numpy.linalg import numpy as np from .mesh import connpp def mesh_curvature_radius(mesh, conn=None, normals=None, propagate=2) -> '(distance, point)': ''' Find the minimum curvature radius of a mesh. Parameters: mesh: the surface/line to search conn: a point-to-point connectivity (computed if not provided) normals: the vertex normals (computed if not provided) propagate(int): the maximum propagation rank for points to pick for the regression Return: `(distance: float, point: int)` where primitives varies according to the input mesh dimension ''' def propagate_pp(conn, start, maxrank): front = [(0,s) for s in start] seen = set() while front: rank, p = front.pop() if p in seen: continue seen.add(p) yield p if rank < maxrank: for n in conn[p]: if n not in seen: front.append((rank+1, n)) if isinstance(mesh, Mesh): if not conn: conn = connpp(mesh.faces) if not normals: normals = mesh.vertexnormals() it = ( (p, list(propagate_pp(conn, [p], propagate))) for p in connpp ) elif isinstance(mesh, Web): if not conn: conn = connpp(mesh.edges) if not normals: normals = [vec3(0) for p in mesh.points] pts = mesh.points for e in mesh.edges: d = pts[e[0]] - pts[e[1]] normals[e[0]] += d normals[e[1]] -= d for i,n in enumerate(normals): normals[i] = normalize(n) it = ( (p, list(propagate_pp(conn, [p], propagate))) for p in connpp ) elif isinstance(mesh, Wire): if not normals: normals = mesh.vertexnormals() it = ( (mesh.indices[i], mesh.indices[i-propagate:i+propagate]) for i in range(len(mesh.indices)) ) else: raise TypeError('bad input type') def analyse(): pts = mesh.points for p, neigh in it: # decide a local coordinate system u,v,w = dirbase(normals[p]) # get neighboors contributions b = np.empty(len(neigh)) a = np.empty((len(neigh), 14)) for i,n in enumerate(neigh): e = pts[n] - pts[p] b[i] = dot(e,w) eu = dot(e,u) ev = dot(e,v) # these are the monoms to compose to build a polynom approximating the surface until 4th-order derivatives a[i] = ( eu**2, ev**2, eu*ev, eu, ev, eu**3, eu**2*ev, eu*ev**2, ev**3, eu**4, eu**3*ev, eu**2*ev**2, eu*ev**3, ev**4, ) # least squares resulution, the complexity is roughly the same as inverting a mat3 (au, av, auv, *_), residuals, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b) # diagonalize the curve tensor to get the principal curvatures diag, transfer = np.linalg.eigh(mat2(2*au, auv, auv, 2*av)) yield 1/np.max(np.abs(diag)), p return min(analyse(), key=itemgetter(0), default=None)
[docs]def mesh_curvature_radius(mesh, conn=None, normals=None, propagate=2) -> '(distance, point)': ''' Find the minimum curvature radius of a mesh. Parameters: mesh: the surface/line to search conn: a point-to-point connectivity (computed if not provided) normals: the vertex normals (computed if not provided) propagate(int): the maximum propagation rank for points to pick for the regression Return: `(distance: float, point: int)` where primitives varies according to the input mesh dimension ''' curvatures = mesh_curvatures(mesh, conn, normals, propagate) place = min(range(len(mesh.points)), key=lambda p: 1/np.max(np.abs(curvatures[p][0])) if curvatures[p] else inf, default=None) return 1/np.max(np.abs(curvatures[place][0])), place
[docs]def mesh_curvatures(mesh, conn=None, normals=None, propagate=2): ''' Compute the curvature around a point in a mesh/web/wire Parameters: mesh: the surface/line to search conn: a point-to-point connectivity (computed if not provided) normals: the vertex normals (computed if not provided) propagate(int): the maximum propagation rank for points to pick for the regression Return: `[(tuple, mat3)]` where the `tuple` contains the curvature in each of the column directions in the `mat3`. The `mat3` has the principal directions of curvature ''' pts = mesh.points # propagate though the mesh and return seen points def propagate_pp(conn, start, maxrank): front = deque((0,s) for s in start) seen = set() while front: rank, p = front.popleft() if p in seen: continue seen.add(p) if rank < maxrank: for n in conn[p]: if n not in seen: front.append((rank+1, n)) return seen if isinstance(mesh, Mesh): if not conn: conn = connpp(mesh.faces) if not normals: normals = mesh.vertexnormals() it = ( (p, propagate_pp(conn, [p], propagate)) for p in conn ) elif isinstance(mesh, Web): if not conn: conn = connpp(mesh.edges) if not normals: normals = [vec3(0) for p in mesh.points] for e in mesh.edges: d = pts[e[0]] - pts[e[1]] normals[e[0]] += d normals[e[1]] -= d for i,n in enumerate(normals): normals[i] = normalize(n) it = ( (p, propagate_pp(conn, [p], propagate)) for p in conn ) elif isinstance(mesh, Wire): if not normals: normals = mesh.vertexnormals() it = ( (mesh.indices[i], mesh.indices[i-propagate:i+propagate]) for i in range(len(mesh.indices)) ) else: raise TypeError('bad input shape type') curvatures = [None]*len(pts) for p, neigh in it: # decide a local coordinate system u,v,w = dirbase(normals[p]) # get neighboors contributions b = np.empty(len(neigh)) a = np.empty((len(neigh), 14)) for i,n in enumerate(neigh): e = pts[n] - pts[p] b[i] = dot(e,w) eu = dot(e,u) ev = dot(e,v) # these are the monoms to compose to build a polynom approximating the surface until 4th-order derivatives a[i] = ( eu**2, ev**2, eu*ev, # what we want to get # the others terms are only present to catch the surface regularities and not disturb the curvature terms eu, ev, eu**3, eu**2*ev, eu*ev**2, ev**3, eu**4, eu**3*ev, eu**2*ev**2, eu*ev**3, ev**4, ) # least squares resulution, the complexity is roughly the same as inverting a mat3 (au, av, auv, *_), residuals, *_ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b, rcond=None) # diagonalize the curve tensor to get the principal curvatures diag, transfer = np.linalg.eigh(mat2(2*au, auv, auv, 2*av)) curvatures[p] = diag, mat3(u,v,w) * mat3(mat2(transfer)) return curvatures
[docs]def note_bounds(obj): ''' Create dimension annotations on the boundingbox of an object ''' box = boundingbox(obj) size = 0.05 * length(box.width) return [ note_distance(box.min, vec3(box.max.x, box.min.y, box.min.z), offset=size*vec3(0,-1,-1)), note_distance(box.min, vec3(box.min.x, box.max.y, box.min.z), offset=size*vec3(-1,0,-1)), note_distance(box.min, vec3(box.min.x, box.min.y, box.max.z), offset=size*vec3(-1,-1,0)), box, ]
def _mesh_direction(mesh): if isinstance(mesh, Mesh): return mesh.facenormal(0) elif isinstance(mesh, Web): return mesh.edgedirection(0) elif isinstance(mesh, Wire): return mesh[1]-mesh[0] elif isaxis(mesh): return mesh[1] else: raise TypeError('only Mesh and Web are supported')
[docs]def note_angle_planes(s0, s1, offset=0, d=None, tol=None, text=None, unit='deg'): ''' Place an angle quotation between 2 meshes considered to be plane (surface) or straight (curve) `s0` and `s1` can be any of `Mesh, Web, Wire, Axis` ''' d0, d1 = _mesh_direction(s0), _mesh_direction(s1) z = normalize(cross(d0, d1)) if not isfinite(z): raise ValueError('planes are parallel') if isinstance(s0, Mesh) or isaxis(s0): d0 = cross(d0,z) if isinstance(s1, Mesh) or isaxis(s1): d1 = cross(z,d1) return note_angle( (mesh_placement(s0)[0], d0), (mesh_placement(s1)[0], d1), offset, d, tol, text, unit)
[docs]def note_angle_edge(part, edge, offset=0, d=None, tol=None, text=None, unit='deg'): ''' Place an angle quotation around a mesh edge ''' f0 = None f1 = None for face in part.faces: for i in range(3): if face[i-1] == edge[0] and face[i] == edge[1]: f0 = face elif face[i-1] == edge[1] and face[i] == edge[0]: f1 = face if not f0 or not f1: raise ValueError("edge {} doesn't exist or is not between 2 faces".format(f0)) d0 = part.facenormal(f0) d1 = part.facenormal(f1) z = normalize(cross(d0,d1)) o = mix(part.points[edge[0]], part.points[edge[1]], 0.5) if not offset: offset = 0.2 * length(boundingbox(part).width) return note_angle( (o, cross(z,d0)), (o, cross(d1,z)), offset, d, tol, text, unit)
def note_absciss(axis, pts): indev def note_diameter(mesh, direction=None, offset=None, d=None, tol=None, text=None): assert direction is not None for f in mesh.faces: for p in f: if dot(mesh.points[p], direction): indev def note_surface(placement, offset=None, roughness=None, method=None): indev
[docs]def note_label(placement, offset=None, text='!', style='rect'): ''' Place a text label upon an object `placement` can be any of `Mesh, Web, Wire, axis, vec3` ''' p, normal = mesh_placement(placement) if not offset: offset = 0.2 * length(boundingbox(placement).width) * normal elif isinstance(offset, (float,int)): offset = offset*normal elif not isinstance(offset, vec3): raise TypeError('offset must be scalar or vector') color = settings.display['annotation_color'] x,_,z = dirbase(normalize(offset)) sch = Scheme() sch.set(color=fvec4(color,0.7)) sch.add(gt.revolution( 2*pi, (vec3(0),z), web([6*x, 10*z]), resolution=('div',8), ), space=scale_screen(fvec3(p)), shader='fill') sch.add([p, p+offset], space=world, shader='line', layer=2e-4) font = int(settings.display['view_font_size'] * 1.2) r = font*0.8 print(font, r) if style == 'circle': outline = web(Circle((vec3(0),vec3(0,0,1)), r)) elif style == 'rect': outline = [vec3(r,r,0), vec3(-r,r,0), vec3(-r,-r,0), vec3(r,-r,0), vec3(r,r,0)] else: raise ValueError("style must be 'rect' or 'circle'") sch.set(space=halo_screen(fvec3(p+offset))) sch.add(outline, shader='line', layer=0) sch.add(gt.flatsurface(wire(outline)), color=fvec4(settings.display['background_color'],0), shader='fill', layer=1e-3) sch.add(Displayable(TextDisplay, p+offset, text, align=('center','center'), size=font, color=color), space=world) return sch
def note_iso(p, offset, type, text, refs=(), label=None): indev #from .scheme import SchemeInstance #class BaseDisplay(Display): #scheme = None #def __init__(self, scene, matrix, color=None): #if not color: color = settings.display['annotation_color'] #if not self.scheme: #type(self).scheme = sch = Scheme(layer=1e-4) #space = lambda view, instance: world(view) * instance.matrix #directions = [vec3(1,0,0), vec3(0,1,0), vec3(0,0,1)] #for i in range(len(directions)): #o = vec3(0) #x,z = directions[i-1], directions[i] #def tip(view, instance, z=z): #s = space(view, instance) #return scale_screen(s*z) * fmat4(fmat3(s)) #sch.add([o, z], #space=tip, #color=fvec4(color,1), #shader='line', #) #sch.add(revolution(2*pi, (o,z), web([o, -20*z+9*x])), #space=tip, #color=fvec4(color,0.8), #shader='fill', #) #if isinstance(matrix, (dmat3,fmat3,dquat,fquat)): matrix = fmat4(fmat3(matrix)) #elif isinstance(matrix, fmat4): matrix = fmat4(matrix) #self.disp = scene.display(SchemeInstance(self.scheme, matrix=matrix)) #def stack(self, scene): #yield from self.disp.stack(scene) def note_base(matrix, color=None, labels=('X', 'Y', 'Z'), name=None, size=0.4): if not color: color = settings.display['annotation_color'] if not name: name = '' if not labels: labels = [None]*3 if isinstance(matrix, (dmat3,fmat3)): center = None directions = mat3(matrix) elif isinstance(matrix, (dmat4,fmat4)): if transpose(matrix)[3] != vec4(0,0,0,1): raise TypeError('mat4 must be affine in order to be displayed') center = vec3(matrix[3]) directions = mat3(mat4(matrix)) else: raise TypeError('only matrix with dimension 3 or 4 can be displayed') sch = Scheme(layer=1e-4) for axislabel, direction in zip(labels, directions): o = vec3(0) x,y,z = dirbase(normalize(direction)) if center: sch.add([center], space=world) sch.add([o, size*direction], space=scale_view(fvec3(center)) if center else ubiquity, color=fvec4(color,1), shader='line', ) sch.add(gt.revolution(2*pi, (o,z), web([o, -14*z+3.6*x])), space=scale_screen_scale_view(fvec3(center), fvec3(size*direction)) if center else scale_screen_ubiquity(fvec3(size*direction)), color=fvec4(color,0.8), shader='fill', ) if axislabel or name: sch.add(Displayable(TextDisplay, 5*z, axislabel+' '+name, align=(0.5,0.5), color=color)) return sch def note_rotation(quaternion, color=None, size=0.4): if not color: color = settings.display['annotation_color'] direction = vec3(glm.axis(quaternion)) angle = glm.angle(quaternion) o = vec3(0) x,y,z = dirbase(direction) tend = -sin(angle)*x + cos(angle)*y rend = cos(angle)*x + sin(angle)*y sch = Scheme(layer=1e-4) sch.set( space=ubiquity, color=fvec4(color,0.6), shader='line', ) sch.add([-size*direction, -0.2*size*direction]) sch.add([-0.1*size*direction, 0.1*size*direction]) sch.add([0.2*size*direction, size*direction]) sch.add(gt.revolution(2*pi, (o,z), web([o, -14*z+3.6*x])), space=scale_screen_ubiquity(fvec3(size*direction)), color=fvec4(color,0.6), shader='fill', ) sch.set( space=ubiquity, color=fvec4(color,1), shader='line', ) sch.add([size*cos(t)*x + size*sin(t)*y for t in linrange(0, angle, step=0.1)]) sch.add([size*cos(t)*x + size*sin(t)*y for t in linrange(0, 2*pi, step=0.1)], color=fvec4(color,0.2)) sch.add(gt.revolution(2*pi, (size*rend, tend), web([size*tend, size*tend-14*tend+3.6*rend])), space=scale_screen_ubiquity(fvec3(size*rend)), color=fvec4(color,0.8), shader='fill', ) return sch ''' transforms = [ mat3(), angleAxis(pi/2, normalize(Z+X)), translate(2*Y) * scale(vec3(0.2, 0.3, 1)), translate(2*X), rotate(1, vec3(1,2,3)), translate(-2*X) * mat4(scaledir(vec3(1,2,-3)*0.1)), ] ''' def scale_screen_scale_view(center, offset): def mat(view): m = view.uniforms['view'] * view.uniforms['world'] e = view.uniforms['proj'] * fvec4(1,1,(m*center).z,1) e /= e[3] return m * translate(center) * scale(fvec3(1/e[1])) * translate(offset) * scale(fvec3(2/ return mat def scale_screen_ubiquity(offset): def mat(view): proj = view.uniforms['proj'] f = - (proj[3][2]-proj[3][3]) / (proj[2][2] - proj[2][3]) n = - (proj[3][2]+proj[3][3]) / (proj[2][2] + proj[2][3]) d = 3*n e = proj * fvec4(1,1,d,1) e /= e[3] d2 = 2/ return translate(fvec3(0,0,d)) * fmat4( fmat3(1/e[1]) * fmat3(view.uniforms['view']) * fmat3(view.uniforms['world'])) * translate(offset) * scale(fvec3(d2)) return mat def base_display(scene, mat): return scene.display(note_base(mat)) #try: return scene.display(note_base(mat)) #except TypeError as err: return Display() def quat_display(scene, quat): try: return scene.display(note_rotation(quat)) except TypeError: return Display() overrides.update({ dmat4: base_display, fmat4: base_display, dmat3: base_display, fmat3: base_display, dquat: quat_display, fquat: quat_display, })