Source code for madcad.text

# This file is part of pymadcad,  distributed under license LGPL v3
	This file is to render floating texts and mesh texts
	The current implementation of floating texts uses a bitmap font texture baked at program start.
	It's following the first technique described in this tutorial:
	For mesh texts, freetype ( is used to read the font files and extract curve primitives from it. 
	The primitives are then discretized and triangulated using the madcad functions.
	When specified by their name, fonts are searched in the system font directories plus the directories in module variable `fontpath`

import os
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass

from .common import resourcedir
from .mathutils import (Box, vec3, fvec3, fvec4, vec2, fvec2, fmat4, 
						ceil, sqrt, distance, anglebt, linrange,
from .triangulation import triangulation
from .primitives import Segment
from .mesh import Wire, Web, Mesh, web
from . import settings, rendering

from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
import numpy.core as np
import moderngl as mgl

# TODO: utiliser les methodes et attributs ImgeFont.size, .getmetrics(), etc pour avoir les hauteur et largeur de police

fontpath = [resourcedir]

def font_locations():
	''' yield system and user font directories 
		it looks at module variable `fontpath` and then at system font paths
		The function is a generator so if iteration is stopped in its beginning, no more than necessary system call is performed
	yield from fontpath
	home = os.getenv('HOME')
	if sys.platform == 'linux':
		yield from exploredir(os.path.join(home, '.fonts'))
		yield from exploredir('/usr/local/share/fonts')
		yield from exploredir('/usr/share/fonts')
		yield '/usr/share/fonts'
	elif sys.platform == 'win32':
		yield os.path.join(home, r'AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Fonts')
		yield os.path.join(os.environ['WINDIR'],'fonts')
	elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
		yield os.path.join(home, 'Library/Fonts')
		yield '/Library/Fonts'
		yield '/System/Library/Fonts'

def exploredir(dir):
	''' list directory elements as string file paths '''
	if os.path.exists(dir):
		for sub in os.listdir(dir):
			yield os.path.join(dir, sub)
def font_list():
	''' yield all font files found '''
	for location in font_locations():
			for name in os.listdir(location):
				if name.endswith('.ttf'):
					yield name
		except (NotADirectoryError, FileNotFoundError):

def font_path(name):
	''' find the font file path for the given font name 
		if the given name is already a path to an existing font file, return it immediately
	if os.path.exists(name):
		return name
	filename = name+'.ttf'
	for location in font_locations():
		path = os.path.join(location, filename)
		if os.path.exists(path):	return path
	raise FileNotFoundError('unable to find font {}'.format(repr(name)))

def create_font_texture(font: ImageFont, maxchar=1100) -> '(Image, (c,l))':
	''' create a font texture by rasterizing a given font '''
	# determine the size of the needed texture
	fontsize = font.size + 4
	width = 64
	while 2*(width//fontsize)**2 < maxchar:
		width *= 2
	c = width//(fontsize//2)
	l = maxchar//c +1
	width = c * (fontsize//2)
	height = l * fontsize
	# create texture
	tex ='L', (width,height), 0)
	draw = ImageDraw.Draw(tex)
	# draw the font onto
	for i in range(maxchar):
		draw.text(char_placement(font.size, c, l, i), chr(i), fill=255, font=font)
	return tex, (c, l)

def char_placement(fontsize, c, l, n):
	fontsize += 4
	return ((fontsize//2) * (n%c), fontsize * (n//c))

[docs]class TextDisplay(rendering.Display): ''' halo display of a monospaced text This class is usually used through `scheme.note_floating()` ''' pointsdef = [ [0, 0], [0,-1], [1,-1], [0, 0], [1,-1], [1, 0], ] def __init__(self, scene, position, text, size=None, color=None, font=None, align=(0,0), layer=0): if not color: color = settings.display['annotation_color'] if not size: size = settings.display['view_font_size'] self.position = fvec3(position) self.color = fvec3(color) self.size = size self.layer = layer # load font fontfile = font_path(font or 'NotoMono-Regular') def load(scene): img, align = create_font_texture(ImageFont.truetype(fontfile, 2*size)) return scene.ctx.texture(img.size, 1, img.tobytes()), align self.fonttex, self.fontalign = scene.resource(('fontfile', size), load) # load shader def load(scene): shader = scene.ctx.program( vertex_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/font.vert').read(), fragment_shader=open(resourcedir+'/shaders/font.frag').read(), ) shader['fonttex'].value = 0 return shader self.shader = scene.resource('shader_font', load) # place triangles points = np.zeros((len(self.pointsdef)*len(text), 4), 'f4') l = 0 c = 0 mc = 0 for i,char in enumerate(text): if char == '\n': c = 0 l += 1 elif char == '\t': c += 4 - c%4 # TODO: use a tab size in settings elif char == ' ': c += 1 else: n = ord(char) #placement = char_placement(2*size, *self.fontalign, n) for j,add in enumerate(self.pointsdef): points[len(self.pointsdef)*i + j] = [ add[0]+c, add[1]-l, (n % self.fontalign[0] +add[0]) / self.fontalign[0], (n //self.fontalign[0] -add[1]) / self.fontalign[1], ] c += 1 if c > mc: mc = c l += 1 align = (processalign(align[0], mc), -processalign(align[1], l)) points -= [*align, 0, 0] self.textsize = (mc,l) self.visualsize = (-align[0], -align[1], mc//2-align[0], l-align[1]) # create the buffers on the GPU self.vb_points = scene.ctx.buffer(points) self.vb_faces = scene.ctx.buffer(np.arange(points.shape[0], dtype='u4')) = scene.ctx.vertex_array( self.shader, [(self.vb_points, '2f 2f', 'v_position', 'v_uv')], ) def render(self, view): self.shader['layer'] = self.layer self.shader['color'].write(self.color) self.shader['position'].write(fvec3( * fvec4(self.position,1))) self.shader['view'].write(view.uniforms['view']) self.shader['proj'].write(view.uniforms['proj']) self.shader['ratio'].value = ( (self.size-2.5) / view.width()*2, (self.size-2.5) / view.height()*4, ) self.fonttex.use(0) def stack(self, view): return ((), 'screen', 2, self.render),
def processalign(align, size): ''' return the concrete alignment, expanding alignments such as 'left', or 'center' to numeric values ''' if isinstance(align, str): if align in ('left', 'top'): return 0 elif align in ('right', 'bottom'): return size elif align == 'center': return size/2 else: raise ValueError("align must be int, float or any of 'left', 'right', 'center'") else: return align def textsize(text, tab=4): ''' visual size of a text as vec2(column,line) ''' l = 0 c = 0 mc = 0 for i,char in enumerate(text): if char == '\n': c = 0 l += 1 elif char == '\t': c += tab - c%tab else: c += 1 if c > mc: mc = c l += 1 return fvec2(mc, l) BezierLinear = Segment @dataclass class BezierQuadratic: ''' primitive representing a quadratic Bezier spline ''' a: vec3 b: vec3 c: vec3 def __call__(self, t): u = 1-t return u**2*self.a + 2*u*t*self.b + t**2*self.c def mesh(self, resolution=None): div = settings.curve_resolution( distance(self.a, self.b) + distance(self.b, self.c), anglebt(self.b-self.a, self.c-self.b), resolution) return Wire(self(t) for t in linrange(0, 1, div=div)) def display(self, scene): return self.mesh().display(scene) @dataclass class BezierCubic: ''' primitive representing a cubic Bezier spline ''' a: vec3 b: vec3 c: vec3 d: vec3 def __call__(self, t): u = 1-t return u**3*self.a + 3*u**2*t*self.b + 3*u*t**2*self.c + t**3*self.d def mesh(self, resolution=None): div = settings.curve_resolution( distance(self.a, self.b) + distance(self.b, self.c) + distance(self.c, self.d), anglebt(self.b-self.a, self.c-self.b) + angletbt(self.c-self.b, self.d-self.c), resolution) return Wire(self(t) for t in linrange(0, 1, div=div)) def display(self, scene): return self.mesh().display(scene) ''' font caching dictionnary for each font in the cache, an item `'file.ttf': dict` is created each key in this dictionnary is a string character, giving a dictionnary of already computed stuff about the matchng glyph in the font file This is an example of its content: cache_fonts = { 'monospace.ttf': { 'cbox': Box(...), 'web': Web(...), 'mesh': Mesh(...), } } ''' cache_fonts = {} try: import freetype except ImportError: pass else: def character_primitives(face: freetype.Face) -> list: ''' return a list of primitives describing the outline of the character currently loaded in the given face ''' primitives = [] last = [None] def move_to(a, ctx): last[0] = ft2vec(a) def line_to(b, ctx): primitives.append(BezierLinear(last[0], ft2vec(b))) last[0] = ft2vec(b) def conic_to(b, c, ctx): primitives.append(BezierQuadratic(last[0], ft2vec(b), ft2vec(c))) last[0] = ft2vec(c) def cubic_to(b, c, d, ctx): primitives.append(BezierCubic(last[0], ft2vec(b), ft2vec(c), ft2vec(d))) last[0] = ft2vec(d) # in fact there will be no cubic_to because there is no such things in freetype fonts, but just in case for freetype-py face.glyph.outline.decompose(move_to=move_to, line_to=line_to, conic_to=conic_to, cubic_to=cubic_to) return primitives def ft2vec(ft): return vec3(ft.x, ft.y, 0) def character_cbox(face: freetype.Face) -> Box: ''' return the cbox of the current glyph loaded in the face ''' box = face.glyph.outline.get_cbox() return Box( min=vec3(box.xMin, box.yMin, 0), max=vec3(box.xMax, box.yMax, 0)) def character_outline(char: str, font: str, resolution=None) -> dict: ''' return a discretized character outline, cached ''' try: return cache_fonts[font][char] except (KeyError, AttributeError): if font not in cache_fonts: cache_fonts[font] = {} if char not in cache_fonts[font]: cache_fonts[font][char] = {} cache = cache_fonts[font][char] if isinstance(font, str): face = freetype.Face(font_path(font)) else: face = font scale = 1024 face.set_char_size(scale) face.load_char(char) cache['fixed'] = face.is_fixed_width cache['cbox'] = character_cbox(face) .transform(1/scale) cache['web'] = web(character_primitives(face), resolution=resolution) .transform(1/scale) .mergegroups() return cache def character_surface(char, font, resolution=None) -> dict: ''' return a triangulated character, cached ''' try: return cache_fonts[font][char] except (KeyError, AttributeError): cache = character_outline(char, font, resolution) cache['mesh'] = triangulation(cache['web']) return cache
[docs] def text(text: str, font:str=None, size:float=1, spacing=vec2(0.05, 0.2), fill=True, align=(0,0), resolution=None): ''' return a Mesh/Web containing the given text written using the given font The meshed font is cached so long texts are still fast to mesh Parameters: text: a multiline string to represent font: the string name of a font such as `'NotoMono-Bold'` or the path to a `.ttf` font file size: the character size (metric unit) spacing: spacing ratio between characters `vec2(horizontal, vertical)` fill: if True, the characters are triangulated and the function returns a `Mesh`, else it returns its outline as a `Web` align: text alignment, the tuple items can be: - 'left' or 'top' - 'center' - 'right' or 'bottom' - any float, as an offset on the position resolution: discretisation setting for the character primitives Example: >>> part = text('Hello everyone.\\nthis is a great font !!', ... font='NotoSans-Regular', ... align=('left', 0), ... fill=True) ''' if fill: pool = Mesh() character = character_surface else: pool = Web() character = character_outline face = freetype.Face(font_path(font or 'NotoMono-Regular')) position = vec3(0) for char in text: if char == ' ': position.x += 0.3 elif char == '\t': width = 0.3 position.x += int(position.x/width) * width elif char == '\n': position.y -= (1+spacing.y) position.x = 0 else: cache = character(char, face, resolution) if fill: part = cache['mesh'] else: part = cache['web'] pool += part.transform(position-vec3(cache['cbox'].min.x,0,0)) if cache['fixed']: position.x += 0.5 + spacing.x else: position.x += cache['cbox'].width.x + spacing.x if size != 1: pool = pool.transform(size) if align != (0,0): width = pool = pool.transform(vec3( processalign(align[0], -width[0]), processalign(align[1], -width[1]), 0)) return pool
def test_character_primitives(): from .rendering import show face = freetype.Face('cad/pymadcad/madcad/NotoMono-Regular.ttf') face.set_char_size(1024) face.load_char('&') show([ triangulation(character_primitives(face)) ]) def test_character_cached(): from .rendering import show show([ character_outline('&', 'NotoMono-Regular').web, character_surface('g', 'NotoMono-Regular').mesh.transform(vec3(1,0,0)), ]) def test_text(): from .rendering import show from .generation import extrusion from .scheme import note_distance settings.display['view_font_size'] = 10 part = text('Hello everyone.\nthis is a great font !!', font='NotoSans-Regular', align=('center', 0)) part = extrusion(vec3(0,0,-1), part.flip()) show([ vec3(0), note_distance(vec3(0), vec3(0,1,0), offset=vec3(-0.5,0,0), text='size'), part, ], display_wire=True, )