Source code for madcad.joints

# This file is part of pymadcad,  distributed under license LGPL v3

from .mathutils import *
from .primitives import isaxis
from .kinematic import Screw, WireDisplay, Scheme, Joint
from .mesh import Mesh, Wire, web, Web
from . import generation, primitives

__all__ = ['Pivot', 'Planar', 'Track', 'Gliding', 'Ball', 'Punctiform', 'Gear', 'Helicoid']

	Ring		linéaire annulaire
	Hinge		linéaire
	Rack		crémaillere
	Rack(onesolid, onceagain, (O,z), x, 1, offset=0),	# cremaillere

class InSolid:	# TODO test
	def __init__(self, solid, points, reference=None):
		self.solid = solid
		self.points = points
		self.reference = reference or [p*solid.transform() for p in points]	# if no reference position is provided, then we use the current position in the solid
		# remove origin from references
		center = sum(reference)/len(reference)
		for p in self.reference:	p -= center
	slvvars = 'solid', 'points',

	def pose(self):
		center = sum(self.points)/len(self.points)
		rot = vec3(0)
		for pt,ref in zip(self.points, self.reference):
			v, r = normalize(pt-ref), normalize(ref)
			c = cross(v,r)
			if not glm.any(isnan(c)):
				angle = acos(dot(v,r))
				rot += angleAxis(angle, c/sin(angle))
		rot = normalize(rot)
		return self.solid.position+center, self.solid.orientation+rot

cornersize = 0.1

def solidtransform_axis(solid, obj):
	rot = solid.orientation
	return (rot*obj[0] + solid.position, rot*obj[1])
def solidtransform_base(solid, obj):
	rot = solid.orientation
	if len(obj) == 3:	return (rot*obj[0] + solid.position, rot*obj[1], rot*obj[2])
	if len(obj) == 4:	return (rot*obj[0] + solid.position, rot*obj[1], rot*obj[2], rot*obj[3])
class Welded(Joint):
	def __init__(self, s1, s2, transform=None):
		self.solids = (s1, s2)
		self.transform = transform or affineInverse(s1.pose) * s2.pose
		self.position = (vec3(0), vec3(0))
	def corrections(self):
		p1 = dmat4x3(self.solids[0].pose * self.transform)
		p2 = dmat4x3(self.solids[1].pose)
		t = p2[3] - p1[3]
		r = cross(p1[0], p2[0]) + cross(p1[1], p2[1]) + cross(p1[2], p2[2])
		return Screw(t,r,p1[3]), Screw(-t,-r,p2[3])
	def scheme(self, solid, size, junc=None) -> Scheme:
		return Scheme([], [], [], [])

[docs]class Pivot(Joint): ''' Junction for rotation only around an axis Classical definition: Pivot (axis) no additional information is required by the initial state this class holds an axis for each side ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, a1, a2=None, position=None): self.solids = (s1,s2) self.axis = (a1, a2 or a1) self.position = position or (self.axis[0][0], self.axis[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) return distance(a0[0],a1[0])**2 + 1-dot(a0[1],a1[1]) def corrections(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) r = cross(a0[1], a1[1]) t = a1[0] - a0[0] #return Screw(r,t,a0[0]), Screw(-r,-t,a1[0]) # velocity torsor return Screw(t,r,a0[0]), Screw(-t,-r,a1[0]) # force torsor def transmitable(self, action): axis = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]) normal = normalize(a0[1] + a1[1]) return Screw(action.resulting, noproject(action.momentum, normal), action.position) def scheme(self, solid, size, junc=None) -> Scheme: ''' return a Scheme to render the junction from the given solid side size is the desired size of the junction junc is the point the junction is linked with the scheme by ''' if solid is self.solids[0]: radius = size/4 axis = self.axis[0] center = axis[0] + project(self.position[0]-axis[0], axis[1]) cyl = generation.extrusion( axis[1]*size * 0.8, primitives.Circle( (center-axis[1]*size*0.4, axis[1]), size/4, resolution=('div', 16), )) sch = Scheme(cyl.points, cyl.faces, [], list(cyl.outlines_unoriented())) if junc: v = normalize(noproject(junc - center, axis[1])) if not isfinite(v): v,_,_ = dirbase(axis[1]) p = center + v*size/4 sch.extend(Scheme( [p, p + axis[1]*size*cornersize, p + v*size*cornersize, junc], [], [(0,1,2)], [(0,2), (2,3)], )) return sch #axis = self.axis[0] #center = axis[0] + project(self.position[0]-axis[0], axis[1]) #cyl = generation.extrusion( #axis[1]*size * 0.8, #primitives.Circle( #(center-axis[1]*size*0.4, axis[1]), #size/4, #resolution=('div', 16), #)) #sch = (scheme.Scheme(, color=fvec4(settings.display['schematics_color'],1)) #.add(cyl, shader='ghost') #.add(cyl.outlines(), shader='line') #) #v = junc - center #v = normalize(noproject(v,axis[1])) #if isfinite(v): #x,_,_ = dirbase(axis[1]) #p = center + v*size/4 #sch.add( #Mesh([p, p+axis[1]*size*cornersize, p + x*size*cornersize], [(0,1,2)]), #shader='fill') #sch.add([p, junc], shader='line') #return sch elif solid is self.solids[1]: radius = size/4 axis = self.axis[1] center = axis[0] + project(self.position[1]-axis[0], axis[1]) side = axis[1] * size * 0.5 if dot(junc-axis[0], axis[1]) < 0: side = -side if dot(junc-center-side, side) < 0: attach = side + normalize(noproject(junc-center, axis[1]))*radius else: attach = side c1 = primitives.Circle( (center-axis[1]*size*0.5, -axis[1]), radius, resolution=('div', 16), ).mesh() c2 = primitives.Circle( (center+axis[1]*size*0.5, axis[1]), radius, resolution=('div', 16), ).mesh() s1 = generation.flatsurface(c1) s2 = generation.flatsurface(c2) l = len(c1.points) indices = [(i-1,i) for i in range(1,l-1)] indices.append((l-1,0)) s = Scheme([center-side, center+side, center+attach, junc], [], [], [(0,1), (2,3)]) s.extend(Scheme(c1.points, s1.faces, [], c1.edges())) s.extend(Scheme(c2.points, s2.faces, [], c2.edges())) return s
[docs]class Planar(Joint): ''' Joint for translation in 2 directions and rotation around the third direction Classical definition: Planar (direction vector) the initial state requires an additional distance between the solids this class holds an axis for each side, the axis origins are constrained to share the same projections on the normal ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, a1, a2=None, position=None): self.solids = (s1, s2) self.axis = (a1, a2 or a1) self.position = position or (self.axis[0][0], self.axis[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) normal = normalize(a0[1] + a1[1]) return dot(a0[0]-a1[0], normal) **2 - dot(a0[1], a1[1]) def corrections(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) r = cross(a0[1], a1[1]) t = project(a1[0] - a0[0], normalize(a0[1] + a1[1])) #return Screw(r,t,a0[0]), Screw(-r,-t,a1[0]) # velocity torsor return Screw(t,r,a0[0]), Screw(-t,-r,a1[0]) # force torsor def transmitable(self, action): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]) normal = normalize(a0[1] + a1[1]) return Screw(project(action.resulting, normal), noproject(action.momentum, normal), action.position) def scheme(self, solid, size, junc=None): if solid is self.solids[0]: (center, normal), position = self.axis[0], self.position[0] elif solid is self.solids[1]: (center, normal), position = self.axis[1], self.position[1] else: return center = position - project(position - center, normal) if dot(junc-center, normal) < 0: normal = -normal if solid is self.solids[1]: normal = -normal x,y,z = dirbase(normal) c = center + size*0.1 * z x *= size*0.7 y *= size*0.7 return Scheme( [c+(x+y), c+(-x+y), c+(-x-y), c+(x-y), c, c+cornersize*x, c+cornersize*z, junc], [(0,1,2), (0,2,3)], [(4,5,6)], [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,6),(6,7)], )
[docs]class Track(Joint): ''' Joint for translation only in a direction Classical definition: Track (direction vector) the initial state requires more parameters: the relative placements of the solids this class holds a base for each of the solids, bases are (0,X,Y) where X,Y are constrained to keep the same direction across bases, and the bases origins lays on their common Z axis ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, b1, b2=None, position=None): self.solids = (s1, s2) self.bases = (b1, b2 or b1) self.position = (self.bases[0][0], self.bases[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): b0, b1 = solidtransform_base(self.solids[0], self.bases[0]), solidtransform_base(self.solids[1], self.bases[1]) t = b1[0] - b0[0] x = normalize(b0[1]+b1[1]) y = normalize(b0[2]+b1[2]) return ( 1-dot(cross(b0[1],b0[2]), cross(b1[1],b1[2])) + dot(t,x) **2 + dot(t,y) **2 ) def corrections(self): b0, b1 = solidtransform_base(self.solids[0], self.bases[0]), solidtransform_base(self.solids[1], self.bases[1]) z0, z1 = cross(b0[1],b0[2]), cross(b1[1],b1[2]) r = ( cross(z0,z1) + cross(b0[1], b1[1]) + cross(b0[2], b1[2]) ) t = b1[0] - b0[0] return ( Screw(noproject( t, z1), r,b0[0]), Screw(noproject(-t, z0), -r,b1[0]), ) def transmitable(self, action): z0, z1 = cross(b0[1],b0[2]), cross(b1[1],b1[2]) normal = normalize(z0 + z1) return Screw(noproject(action.resulting, normal), action.momentum, action.position) def scheme(self, solid, size, junc): if solid is self.solids[0]: o,x,y = self.bases[0] y = normalize(noproject(y,x)) z = normalize(cross(x,y)) s = 0.25*size line = Web( [(x-y)*s, (x+y)*s, (x+y)*s, (-x+y)*s, (-x+y)*s, (-x-y)*s, (-x-y)*s, (x-y)*s], [(0,1),(2,3),(4,5),(6,7)], ) line.transform(o-size/2*z) ext = generation.extrusion(size*z, line) l = len(ext.points) v = junc - o if abs(dot(v,x)) > abs(dot(v,y)): v = x if dot(v,x)>0 else -x else: v = y if dot(v,y)>0 else -y p = o + v*0.25*size ext.points.append(p) ext.points.append(p + z*size*cornersize) ext.points.append(p + v*size*cornersize) ext.points.append(junc) return Scheme( ext.points, ext.faces, [(l,l+1,l+2)], [ (l+2, l+3), (0,1),(2,3),(4,5),(6,7), (0,8), (2,10), (4,12), (6,14), (8,9),(10,11),(12,13),(14,15)], ) elif solid is self.solids[1]: o,x,y = self.bases[1] y = noproject(y,x) z = cross(x,y) s = 0.15*size line = Web( [(x+y)*s, (-x+y)*s, (-x-y)*s, (x-y)*s], [(0,2),(1,3)], ) line.transform(o-size/2*z) ext = generation.extrusion(size*z, line) l = len(ext.points) v = junc - o v = z if dot(v, z) > 0 else -z p = o + v*size/2 ext.points.append(p) ext.points.append(junc) return Scheme( ext.points, [], [], [ (l, l+1), (0,2), (1,3), (0,4), (1,5), (2,6), (3,7), (4,6), (5,7)], )
[docs]class Gliding(Joint): ''' Joint for rotation and translation around an axis Classical definition: Gliding pivot (axis) the initial state doesn't require more data this class holds an axis for each side ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, a1, a2=None, position=None): self.solids = (s1,s2) self.axis = (a1, a2 or a1) self.position = position or (self.axis[0][0], self.axis[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) return distance(a0[0],a1[0])**2 + 1-dot(a0[1],a1[1]) def corrections(self): a0,a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1], self.axis[1]) r = cross(a0[1], a1[1]) t = a1[0] - a0[0] return ( Screw(noproject( t,a0[1]), r,a0[0]), Screw(noproject(-t,a1[1]), -r,a1[0]), ) # force torsor def transmitable(self, action): axis = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis[0]) normal = normalize(a0[1] + a1[1]) return Screw( noproject(action.resulting, normal), noproject(action.momentum, normal), action.position) def scheme(self, solid, size, junc): ''' return primitives to render the junction from the given solid side size is the desired size of the junction junc is the point the junction is linked with the scheme by ''' if solid is self.solids[0]: radius = size/4 axis = self.axis[0] center = axis[0] + project(self.position[0]-axis[0], axis[1]) cyl = generation.extrusion( axis[1]*size, web(primitives.Circle( (center-axis[1]*size*0.5, axis[1]), size/4, resolution=('div', 16), ))) l = len(cyl.points) v = junc - center v = normalize(noproject(v,axis[1])) if glm.any(isnan(v)): v,_,_ = dirbase(axis[1]) p = center + v*size/4 cyl.points.append(p) cyl.points.append(p + axis[1]*size*cornersize) cyl.points.append(p + v*size*cornersize) cyl.points.append(junc) return Scheme( cyl.points, cyl.faces, [(l,l+1,l+2)], ( [(l, l+2), (l+2, l+3)] + [(i-1,i) for i in range(1,l//2)] + [(i-1,i) for i in range(l//2+1,l)] + [(l//2-1,0), (l-1,l//2)]), ) elif solid is self.solids[1]: radius = size/4 axis = self.axis[1] center = axis[0] + project(self.position[1]-axis[0], axis[1]) attach = side = axis[1] * size return Scheme([center-side, center+side, center+attach, junc], [], [], [(0,1), (2,3)])
[docs]class Ball(Joint): ''' Joint for rotation all around a point. Classical definition: Ball (point) the initial state doen't require more data the class holds a point for each side ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, p1, p2=None): self.solids = (s1,s2) self.points = (p1, p2 or p1) self.position = self.points slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): p0 = self.solids[0].orientation*self.points[0] + self.solids[0].position p1 = self.solids[1].orientation*self.points[1] + self.solids[1].position return distance(p0, p1)**2 def corrections(self): p0 = self.solids[0].orientation*self.points[0] + self.solids[0].position p1 = self.solids[1].orientation*self.points[1] + self.solids[1].position return ( Screw(p1-p0, vec3(0), p0), Screw(p0-p1, vec3(0), p1), ) # force torsor def scheme(self, solid, size, junc=vec3(0,0,1)): if solid is self.solids[0]: r = 0.3*size p = self.points[0] sph = generation.icosphere(p, r, resolution=('rad',0.2)) z = normalize(junc-p) if not isfinite(z): z = vec3(0,0,1) l = len(sph.points) sph.points.append(p + r*z) sph.points.append(p + r*z + 0.1*size*z) sph.points.append(junc) return Scheme(sph.points, sph.faces, [], [(l+0, l+1), (l+1, l+2)]) elif solid is self.solids[1]: r = 0.4*size angle = 1.2 p = self.points[1] z = normalize(junc-p) if not isfinite(z): z = vec3(0,0,1) x,y,z = dirbase(z) prof = primitives.ArcCentered((p,y), p+z*r, p+r*(x*sin(angle)+z*cos(angle))) sph = generation.revolution(2*pi, (p,z), prof) sph.finish() l = len(sph.points) sph.points.append(p + r*z) sph.points.append(p + r*z + 0.1*size*z) sph.points.append(junc) return Scheme(sph.points, sph.faces, [], [(l+0, l+1), (l+1, l+2)] + list(sph.outlines_unoriented()) )
from madcad.nprint import nprint
[docs]class Punctiform(Joint): ''' Joint for rotation all around a point belonging to a plane. Classical definition: Punctiform/Sphere-Plane (axis) The initial state does not require more data The class holds a normal axis for the plane side, and a point for the sphere side (that defaults to the axis' origin) ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, a1, p2=None): self.solids = (s1,s2) self.axis = a1 self.point = p2 or a1[0] self.position = (self.axis[0], self.point) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): a = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis) p = self.solids[1].orientation*self.point + self.solids[1].position return project(p-a[0], a[1]) **2 def corrections(self): a = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0], self.axis) p = self.solids[1].orientation*self.point + self.solids[1].position t = Screw(project(p-a[0], a[1]), vec3(0), p) return (t, -t) # force torsor def scheme(self, solid, size, junc): r = 0.2*size if solid is self.solids[0]: center, normal = self.axis if dot(junc-center, normal) < 0: normal = -normal x,y,z = dirbase(normal) c = center + r*z x *= size*0.7 y *= size*0.7 return Scheme( [c+(x+y), c+(-x+y), c+(-x-y), c+(x-y), c, c+cornersize*x, c+cornersize*z, junc], [(0,1,2), (0,2,3)], [(4,5,6)], [(0,1),(1,2),(2,3),(3,0),(4,6),(6,7)], ) elif solid is self.solids[1]: sph = generation.icosphere(self.point, r, resolution=('rad', 0.2)) z = normalize(junc-self.point) l = len(sph.points) sph.points.append(self.point + z*r) sph.points.append(junc) return Scheme(sph.points, sph.faces, [], [(l+0, l+1)])
[docs]class Gear(Joint): ''' Gear interaction between two solids. `ratio` is the factor from the rotation of s1 to the rotation of s2 The two pinions are considered circular, but no assumption is made on their radius or relative inclination. The interaction is symetric. ''' def __init__(self, s1, s2, ratio, a1, a2=None, position=None): self.ratio = ratio self.solids = (s1, s2) self.axis = (a1, a2 or a1) self.position = position or (self.axis[0][0], self.axis[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): #t0 = dot(angleAxis(self.solids[0].orientation)*axis(self.solids[0].orientation), self.axis[0][1]) #t1 = dot(angleAxis(self.solids[1].orientation)*axis(self.solids[1].orientation), self.axis[1][1]) #return (t0 - t1) **2 indev def corrections(self): b0 = solidtransform_base(self.solids[0], (self.axis[0][0], *dirbase(self.axis[0][1]))) b1 = solidtransform_base(self.solids[1], (self.axis[1][0], *dirbase(self.axis[1][1]))) # direction of the contact point from the center v = b1[0]-b0[0] # get the rotation of both solids relatively to this orientation t0, t1 = atan2(dot(v,b0[2]), dot(v,b0[1])), atan2(dot(v,b1[2]), dot(v,b1[1])) # correct cyclic orientation reset of the fastest solid if abs(self.ratio) < 1: m = (t1/self.ratio - t0 +pi) %(2*pi) -pi else: p = (t1 - t0*self.ratio +pi) %(2*pi) -pi m = p/self.ratio # m is the rotation delta for solid 0 return ( Screw(vec3(0), -m * b0[3], b0[0]), Screw(vec3(0), m*self.ratio * b1[3], b1[0]), ) def scheme(self, solid, size, junc): if solid is self.solids[0]: i0,i1,n = 0, 1, self.ratio elif solid is self.solids[1]: i0,i1,n = 1, 0, 1/self.ratio else: return a0, a1 = solidtransform_axis(self.solids[0],self.axis[0]), solidtransform_axis(self.solids[1],self.axis[1]) align = junc-self.axis[i0][0] if length2(align) == 0: align = vec3(1,0,0) x,y,z = dirbase(self.axis[i0][1], align=align) o = self.axis[i0][0] + project(self.position[i0]-self.axis[i0][0], z) # radial vector rl = length(noproject(a0[0]-a1[0], a1[1])) / (dot(a0[1],a1[1]) - 1/self.ratio) if solid is self.solids[1]: rl /= abs(self.ratio) r = o + x * rl # tooth depth vector angle = min(1, dot( a0[1] if solid is self.solids[0] else a1[1], normalize(mix(a0[1], a1[1], abs(self.ratio)/(1+abs(self.ratio)))) )) d = angle*z + sqrt(max(0, 1-angle**2))*x b = size*0.4 * d w = size*0.08 * cross(d,y) if self.ratio > 0 and ( abs(self.ratio) > 1 and solid is self.solids[0] or abs(self.ratio) < 1 and solid is self.solids[1]): b, w = -b, -w profile = Web([r+b+w, r+b, r+b, r, r-b, r-b, r-b+w], [(0,1),(2,3),(3,4),(5,6)]) surf = generation.revolution(2*pi, self.axis[i0], profile, resolution=('rad',0.1)) l = len(profile.points) sch = Scheme(surf.points, surf.faces, [], [(i,i+l) for i in range(3, len(surf.points)-l, l)]) sch.extend(Scheme([junc, mix(o,r,0.8), r], [], [], [(0,1),(1,2)])) return sch
[docs]class Helicoid(Joint): ''' Screw a solid into an other. `step` is the translation distance needed for that one solid turn by 2*pi around the other The interaction is symetric. ''' def __init__(self, s0, s1, step, b0, b1=None, position=None): self.step = step # m/tr self.solids = s0, s1 if isaxis(b0): b0 = b0[0], *dirbase(b0[1])[:2] if b1 and isaxis(b1): b1 = b1[0], *dirbase(b1[1])[:2] self.bases = b0, b1 or b0 self.position = position or (self.bases[0][0], self.bases[1][0]) slvvars = 'solids', def fit(self): indev def corrections(self): (o0,x0,y0), (o1,x1,y1) = solidtransform_base(self.solids[0], self.bases[0]), solidtransform_base(self.solids[1], self.bases[1]) z0, z1 = cross(x0,y0), cross(x1,y1) z = normalize(z0 + z1) delta = o1 - o0 pos = dot(-delta,z) angle = atan2(dot(y1,x0), dot(x1,x0)) gap_angle = (pos%self.step)/self.step * 2*pi - angle if gap_angle > pi: gap_angle -= 2*pi if abs(gap_angle) > 0.5: gap_angle = 0 gap_pos = (angle/(2*pi)*self.step - pos) % self.step if gap_pos > self.step/2: gap_pos -= self.step r = cross(z0, z1) + gap_angle*z t = gap_pos*z return Screw(t+noproject(delta,z0), r, o0), Screw(-t-noproject(delta,z1), -r, o1) # force torsor def scheme(self, solid, size, junc): if solid is self.solids[0]: radius = size/4 o,x,y = self.bases[0] z = cross(x,y) center = o + project(self.position[0]-o, z) cyl = generation.extrusion( z*size, web(primitives.Circle( (center-z*size*0.5, z), radius, resolution=('div', 16), ))) l = len(cyl.points) v = junc - center v = normalize(noproject(v,z)) if glm.any(isnan(v)): v,_,_ = dirbase(z) p = center + v*size/4 cyl.points.append(p) cyl.points.append(p + z*size*cornersize) cyl.points.append(p + v*size*cornersize) cyl.points.append(junc) return Scheme( cyl.points, cyl.faces, [(l,l+1,l+2)], ( [(l, l+2), (l+2, l+3)] + [(i-1,i) for i in range(1,l//2)] + [(i-1,i) for i in range(l//2+1,l)] + [(l//2-1,0), (l-1,l//2)]), ) elif solid is self.solids[1]: radius = size/6 o,x,y = self.bases[1] z = cross(x,y) center = o + project(self.position[1]-o, z) attach = side = z * size heli = [] div = 32 a = 4*pi for i in range(-div,div+1): t = i/div heli.append( radius*(cos(a*t)*x + sin(a*t)*y) + center + side*t ) heli.extend([center+side, junc]) heli = web(Wire(heli)) return Scheme(heli.points, [], [], heli.edges)