
Constraints solver

Suppose that you want to set the Arc tangent to the A and B segments, and fix its radius. It is not easy to guess the precise coordinates for A, B and C for this. You can then specify the constraints to the solver. He will fix that for you.

from madcad import *
# Define points
O = vec3(0)
A = vec3(2, 0, 0)
B = vec3(1, 2, 0)
C = vec3(0, 2, 0)
# Create a list of primitives
# /!\ The direction is important for the surface generation
lines = [
    Segment(O, A), # Segment from O to A
    ArcThrough(A, B, C),  # Arc from A to C, with waypoint B
    Segment(C, O),  # Segment from C to O

That’s it ! The primitive list can now be converted to Wire or Web with the good shape.

csts = [
    Tangent(lines[0], lines[1], A),  # Segment and arc are tangent in A
    Tangent(lines[1], lines[2], C),  # Arc and segment are tangent in C
    Radius(lines[1], 1.5),  # Radius of arc must be equal to 1.5

# Solve the constraints,
# O is fixed and therefore will not move during the process
solve(csts, fixed=[0])
print('\n'.join("{} = {}".format(name, v) for name, v in zip("ABC", (A, B, C))))
# A = dvec3(      1.83758,    -0.092837,  -5.8732e-09 )
# B = dvec3(      1.21717,      2.83567,  3.43597e-10 )
# C = dvec3(     0.145109,      1.64325, -2.07437e-09 )

Boolean operations - Intersection

For some geometries it is much faster to rework the already generated mesh to add complex geometries. Putting a hole in a surface for instance. Thus you won’t need to generate all the intersection surfaces by hand.

from madcad import *
# Obtain two different shapes that has noting to to with each other
m1 = brick(width=vec3(2))
m2 = m1.transform(vec3(0.5, 0.3, 0.4)).transform(quat(0.7 * vec3(1, 1, 0)))

# Remove the volume of the second to the first
diff = difference(m1, m2)

All boolean operation are documented here.


An other usual rework operation is cut edges with chamfers or roundings. Because round is already a math function, we use the term bevel

from madcad import *
# Obtain a mesh
cube = brick(width=vec3(2))

# Cut some edges
# No need to do cube = bevel(...)
   [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (0, 3), (1, 5), (0, 4)],  # Edges to smooth
   ("width", 0.3),  # Cutting description, known as 'cutter'


chamfer and bevel work in the same way.